STIMULATION PHASE V.0.. Member, R., 1s A.and 0, Committee Suggests general plan and emphasis for year. Prepares, revises pamphlets. Assists governors nominee at Interna - -tional Assembly. Suggests program topics for use in.. clubs. (Form 251). District Governors At district assem- |_ blies and on ‘club visits, explain pro- gram of V.S. and en- Ly courage its promotion. ‘Use monthly letters to keep up interest. (on official visits). }. give suitable a sis to Ys o. és {# © | In addresses to clubs:|):— Club V.S.Committees Clb. Officere:+ ands. other literature. Discuss in club as- a} members , as to V.S. and what activities are available and desirable. Arrange club and group meet- lication, Study pamphlets and . Sembly and . in V.S.° comnittee meetings’ how best to educate’ ings. Use club: pub- ‘ 503-Jan. '43-Y-400.:- . OPERATION PHASE ae Cémpetitor® Individual Rotarians render vocational service in various relationships. As Proprietor, Manager, etc. Determination of general policy. Relations with;creditors and use StoGkhp deve: As Seller ee - High ethical.standards in relations with customers or clients, As Buyer _° Maintenatice of same standards toward “-$hose.who supply business or per- sonal needs (both goods and ser- "vices ): as. expected. from own cus- choses" or fo ABMS birt eS cuniabhent and. riaatotaaees aes Paton - “bices in regard to-wages, hours, ,.2 @onditions of work,: training; hog: @bC yc which ‘are fair.and justito . 4 employes’ as well as’to business. x eapaame ben i ihe trade: aetenian ‘ other ways to. reduce - oy remove unfavorable conditions and at the. same bhi: Sie: ‘bet thes BELT LOO. Piers As Citizen. _ Relations sata ceaeetiani ceacaiadabiie - ' local and national - in the exer- . Cise of their legitimate functions should be cooperative,not evasive. TGP PEF eal aide Series of Conmerce Or other business association for betterment of: genene.l community situation.