January 15, 1944. Dr. Homer EK. Ebright, Baldwin, Kansase Dear Governor Homer: Confirming our phone conversation of this date, beg to state that we have made arrangements for the picture to be taken a week from Monday, which is the 24th. Now, regarding our meeting of the Board of Directors last evening. We are very happy to follow your instructions in the matter and I have arranged to have Gerald Hesse and his committee of R. W. MeClure and John Brand work on the available speakers. Corlett Cotton end his committee will work on the music. Our publicity committee for the District Conference of April 30 and May 1, to emphasize the date, is Fred Ellsworth, K. #. Davidson and Dolph Simons. I would like to ask you one question ~- what will be the theme of the conference? This will naturally effect our music and our selection of a speaker. We want to get a snappy, peppy ee ee speaker is announced. The on-to-Topeka comaittee is Roger Allen, Cecil Hough, Corlett Cotten and Tom Parker. I had thought also of suggest- ing that we have a friendship half hour in which the women of the host alub at Topeka will do the pepper-upper stuff. 2 ee ety 02 en ee ree hotel arrangements, Seeeney Se NES) ey ee Ow ee arranged in a special style set for the music. | : I am passing on your suggestion regarding Jeff Williams, the Oklahoman who spoke at Suporia a few years ago, to Gerald Hesse, the cheiyman of our committee on selestion of a speaker.