BALDWIN, KANSAS DISTRICT NO. 123 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ‘ HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT | Jarmery 1, 1944 | ; 3 Dr. Forrest C. Allen President Rotary Club Lawrence, Kansas . Dear President Phogs Happy New Year to you and all the Rotarians in your elub. As I recall my visit to your town, I can still enjoy the fellowshin with the men. Now I have a request of each president in the district. Itis for me and it is for your club, and it is for the district confer- ence which will be held the last of April. I wish during January that in each club you have a picture taken of the officers and chairmen of committeese “ither have — some photogravher come to your regular meeting place and take a picture of the group at the close of one of your rescular meetings. Or arrange to go to a photographers to have a picture taken after a meeting this month. Or if you prefer to have individual pictures and mount them, do it that way. Kansas City and Topveka have splendid victures of all the members. For me this will be a great present, if you will write the names for identification on the card. For you and your club, I think it would start a fine custom if each year there is a picture taken that can be preserved, as in college special groups preserve these annual pictures and mount them on the wall of their chapter housee Then for the district conference, it vill be the center of an interesting exhibit in the Hall of Friendship, which will draw all the Rotarians to this center which we wish to emphasi-ee For one of the most valuable things in a convention is the opportunity to meet individuals and to learn about other clubs and what they are doinge | I would suggest that the pictures be mounted on 4 card say 8 by 10 so that the faces will be large enough to be cleare OFFICES: CHICAGO,U.S.A. - ZURICH, SWITZERLAND +: BOMBAY, INDIA + LONDON, ENGLAND