ROTARY INTERNATIONAL GOVERNOR’S MONTHLY LETTER OFFICE OF GOVERNOR OF DISTRICT NO. 123 HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT Bich BALDWIN, KANSAS No. 6 Fellowship and Service December 1943 To the Presidents and Secretaries of Rotary in District 123; Christmas Greetings. May every Rotarian enjoy the spirit of Christmas this year in spite of the war. May tne Christmas germ be more contagious and infectious than the flu bug has been recently. Mey every Rotarian radiate this feeling of the Christmas time all through the year. | 1. Dickens. Every Rotarian has noticed the interesting pictures of the Christmas Carol in the December Rotarian, and also the article by Channing Pollock. Rotarians shake hands with our new member EBENZER. When Charles first proposed the name Scrooge, everybody blackballed him. But that selfish, frozen-hearted, miserly curmudgeon has changed. We shall call him by his first name now EBENEZER. That word means HELP. That is a good old Bible name, I Samuel 7:12. Ebenezer can laugh now and is chairman of the committee on crippled children's work. Do you remember what cracked his old selfish heart? It was the word of the spirit Jacob Marley who said: "It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide. If that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world and witness what it cannot share but might have shared and turned to Happiness." If that isn't Rotary, will somebody please find the right text. We live too much in our own affairs, We get all wrapped uy in ourselves. That makes a very small package. HEBENUZE:, we welcome you into Kotary. You have a real Rotary name, HELP. &. Hundred per cent men. Our November letter mentioned four clubs which reported that they had members who had a perfect record of attendance for the last year. That brought word from Bonner Springs that 6 of their members have a 100% attendance for the year, and 5 since the club began in 1935, Lawrence informs us that 2 of their number have that record for the last year, and 2 for 4 years, and ene for 1S years, That is Karl. Ottawa tells us that 13 have not missed for a year. Emporia boasts 9. Paola 7. Leavenworth adds that not only did 7 have a perfect resord for the year, but that John Feller has not missed for 846 consecutive meetings. Has any other club a report? Soe District Conference, We are able to announce that our district conference will be held next spring in Topeka, That is the most central place in the district. Everybody likes to go to the capital city. The Topeka club did such a fine job as the host club last spring,