10. Special Subscriptions to the Rotarian. We want this district to be on the 100% list, that is every club taking at least one special subscription. lLewrence leads with 24, Kansas City 18, Atchison lc, Man- hattan 11, Topeka 10, Junction City 9, Baldwin 8, Paola 8, Ottawa 6, Burlington 4, Leavenworth 4, Marysville 4, Holton 4, Osawatomie 3, Valley Falls 3, Frankfort 2, Cottonwood Falls 2, Alma 1, Blue Kapids 1, Bonner Springs 1, Burlingame 1, Council Grove 1, Howard 1, Lyndon 1, Oskaloosa 1, Seneca 1. 11, . lub -Bullotins. We urge every club to get out a bulletin, if pnly once armonth. “It-is the best method of getting news to all members. I appreciate the bulletins which have come from Ottawa, Holton, Leavenworth,. Paola, Emporia, Manhattan, Topeka, Lawrence, Cottonwood Falls, Junction City, .@hurks of wisdom, flashes of wit, news of meetings. Here is one from the Holtarian - "The program says CLUB FORUM. We don't know whose Forum, nor what Forum, nor where Forum. But wetre for tem." That is better Rotary spirit than to say ‘Whatever it is we'rco agin ‘em.' The Manhattan bulletin is especially fine in calling attention to the Rotarian magazine, and it makes one wish to read the magazine, You ought to reed the Emporia story of the Little Red Hen and Whitets aviation story. The Lawrence Bulletin reports that it is Major Neal Wherry now, our former governor, And.what. speakers thoy have - Raymond Schwogler, We J. Hinton of London, Floyd Rible, and Lieut. Comdr. Lyle 0 Armel this last month. , The K. C. War Whoop has lost its voice for the last four weeks and how we have: missed it. ! The Rotopeka tells us how the Kotarians there do things ina big way at Christmas time helping raise the Ssrvice Ments Christmas Fund. sut we felt they wore human when it came to the Information Pluase program. The Paola Bulletin r.uports sevoral fine programs, but how we would like to have attended the December meeting where a high school student showsd moduls he had. made of airplanzs, ships, guns, submarines, and explained the implements of modern warfare.