ROTARY INTERNATIONAL BALDWIN, KANSAS DISTRICT NO. 123 Jan 15, 1944 . OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT Dr Forrest Allien , President Rotary Club , Lawrence Kgnsas e Dear Phog : Glad to know you are pushing everything vigorously on the matter of the Rotary district conference e You will have plenty to do with Red Cross and your own work e Tie theme of the confer@nce as suggested by the Chicago Office is " Making Rotary Realistic " . I shall interpret that to men getting out of he realm of merely talking and getting down to actione As I suggested several clubs have said they would like to hear Jeff Williams of Chickasha , Oklahoma e I heard from KeCe Mo, a hearty recommendation of kdmuad H:Harding , the larheel Humorist of Washington , North Carolina . iI have just received advertising matter about Arthur F Briese , 4441 Beacon Street , Chicago Ill. H, has big testimonials from HKotary Club of Omaha, and Kiwanis Internat ional etc e Then I thought that you having in Lawrence a lecture bureau might have knowledge of some good speakers e I believe it will be good to send you several sheets which have come to mee After you and your committee examine them, will you keep them for I would like to see them againe As to the matter of student from Latin America I have F¥eceived a letter from Ambrose Johnston - He takes full blame for not doing anything about this matter. Did not what to reply e I enclose his letter which I wish you would returne My question is Do you have anyone who world like to be in kKeUe this next semester who could enjoy this and be of inspiration to a few Rotary dlubs . It seems that there has been no definite pian ofprocedure to handle thise if ihad known the situation I woulg havebrought it up at assembly last summer and ask,d that group to take official actione AG this late date I think I shall just assume responsibility and say’Go ehead Lawrence’ if you have a Lgtin American student who would come to KeUe this second semester , and the Rotary will assume half of what it would have done for the whole year. Ty,eh I think that at the bisiness hour at Topeka I think action should be taken for next yeary approving the expense and appointin a committee to go ahead and make decisions as to who and wea He preterm, yeny, OFFICES: CHIGAGO,U.S.A. + ZURICH, SWITZERLAND + BOMBAY, INDIA + LONDON, ENGLAND