As to the contact man at Topeka about Places of meetings, Irwin Vincent is the chairman of the committee - 520 Kansas Ave, Western Typewriter CoO. You can write to him directly first and then if you want to write directly to the hotel manager qo it after writing irwine in my last letter I suggested that we start the banquet at 6:30 and not wait till 7:00 as last year. Ten those who drive home that night will feel better about staying. I like your idea ofhaving a period of fellowship before the 6:30 . Tyerefore we shall wish to plam for the place e Will the lobby of the hotel be sufficient 2 You know I am trying to get a picture of the o fficersand commitee chairmen of every club, and am expecting to make that one of thefeatures of an exhibit at Topekae Tpat would help make an inte esting period of fellowshipe Folks can get acquainted looking at these pictures which I wish to have strung up there with other material e For that committee ofladies reception, I am asking the wives of the Pgst Governors , and two from each oof the " host clubs " « So I now ask if you will appoint two Lawrence ladies to act with that committee of Ladies Keception . ‘ti#en I think that I shall follow the same plan of having two men from several clubs to act on the general Reception committeee So while you are choosing the two ladies, will you name two men , and they will feel the responsibility of taking the lead in welcoming K,tarians and Anns at Topeka on Sunday and Monday . You should know that we shall have a room for headquarters for the ladies so that they will have a place to go to and just visite It should be close to the room where the Rotarians will have their headquarters -« this is enough for this timee Sincerely K.