BALDWIN, KANSAS qa! February 3, 1944 i o DISTRICT NO. 123 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT bre Forrest C. Allen President, the Kotary Club Lawrence, Kansas bear “Fhog": lL wish to compliment the Lawrence Club on being the first one to send in their picture of officers anc chairmen. ‘het picture shows a group of quite distinguished gentlemen. Il think the men will like to have a copy to keep for personal satisfaction... 1f all the clubs send in as good a picture as that 1 shall consider it’ quite an important item in my salary. 1 had hoped to be up at Lawrence a week ago WMonday as IL wanted to see how things were shaping tp for the Monday night program at 'opeka. I know it will be done well. but I am wishing to know the subject that will be presented at the different hours so they can hseve a unity. i have asked the Kansas City club to be a committee to prepare a program for the lst period after the noon luncheon. the 2nd period will be presented by the Past Governors on the subject, the Workpile. The Srd period and climax of the afternoon will be an acdress by Jeff H. Williams of Chickasha, Oklahoma, who is knownfor his wit and eloquence. A number of men had asked if we could not get him. 11 wish the afternoon program to be through before 5:00 so that we can start the banquet at 6;50. Yovr committee will have go some to make the climax tnan Jeff Williams' address, but i am counting on you to do it. Best wishes, Sincerely, i OFFICES: CHICAGO,U.S.A. + ZURICH, SWITZERLAND +: BOMBAY, INDIA + LONDON, ENGLAND HEs pt