SE IS CENTRAL OFFICE, 35 EAST WACKER DRIVE, CHICAGO, U.S.A. Office of the President January, 1944 ' Dear Club President: The Board of Directors of R.I. has approved a suggestion of the Magazine Committee that each Rotary — be empowered to es- tablish a Club Magazine Committee. The reasons why such a committee could better serve your Club and help with Club functions, and the aid your Club could give our magazine through such a Committee are so important that a special paper has been worked out by Rotary International setting forth both the ways and means and the results to be obtained. This paper and a folder "Our Magazine and Our Club” are en- closed with this letter. There is so much that a Club Magazine Committee can do to ad- vance Rotary that I hope you will give this your careful attention. Since the last week in January is traditionally "THE ROTARIAN Week", that would be a splendid time to have this new committee "take hold" and put on the program then! | I wish this might be as personal a letter as the message is to you personally, but with the shortage of help, you can under- stand why it is being sent as it is. None the less, it carries my fervent wish for all good things for you and your Club for 1944 and every year. Cordially, Charles L. Wheeler enclosure : CHICAGO,U.S.A. - ZURICH, SWITZERLAND - BOMBAY, INDIA ° LONDON, ENGLAND