For the Club President THE CLUB ASSEMBLY a Way to Put Rotary in High Gear Cy of the points of strength in the Rotary movement is that each year nearly all officers (club, district and international) are changed. New blood, new points of view and abilities, and new determination to carry on, are some of the valuable results. If there is any weakness about this policy, it is that each year, to a certain extent, a new start has to be made. This starting process may be com- pared to putting an automobile in mo- tion. It begins with the international assembly where the directors of RI. and the district governors nominee come together “to confer and to plan cooperatively the work and activities of R.I. and its member clubs.” Using the figure of an automobile, this is low gear, the first application of power which puts the car in motion. Returning from the international as- sembly and convention, each district governor conducts a district assembly in which, with the club presidents and secretaries, he plans the program for the district. This is like “putting it in second,” increasing both speed and smoothness of operation. But it remains for the club president to “put it in high,” and the club assem- bly is usually the best medium. (The club assembly consists of the officers, directors and committee chairmen.) Appointments Soon after his election the president appoints committees and makes certain that each chairman is supplied with such literature and other material from the secretariat as will enable him to understand the responsibility of his committee and to formulate tentative plans for discharging that responsibil- ity. One or more informal meetings of the new officers, directors, and chair- men, may be desirable at the beginning of the club year (1 July) or even be- fore. This will prevent a lack of direc- tion during the early weeks of the new club year. However, definite planning of the program for the year should be taken up after the district assembly. The general plan should then be for- mulated by the club aims and objects committee. Ways and means of carry- ing out the plan are discussed in the club assembly, which consists of the officers, directors, and chairmen of all club committees. Following is a sug- gested program for this first meeting of the club assembly after the district as- sembly. Program for First Meeting of Club Assembly 1. Reports by the president and sec- retary regarding policies, objec- tives, and plans discussed at the district assembly. These will have to do with such topics as: organ- izing new clubs within the dis- trict, promotion of the Rotary Foundation, the coming district conference and international con- vention, such projects as institutes of international understanding, essay contests, intercity meetings, CLC. 2. Presentation of the general plan formulated by the club aims and objects committee. 3. Comments and questions by each committee chairman growing out B-1