To Chairman VOCATIONAL SERVICE (Business and Professional Standards) What Is Vocational Service? The phase of the Rotary program known as “vocational service” (busi- ness and professional relationships) has to do with the ethical interest and activity of Rotarians in management and financing, purchasing goods or services, selling goods or services, dealing with employes, relations with competitors, and implies that in all these activities of business, the capitalist, the employer, the executive, the manager, the seller, the buyer will be thoughtful of and helpful to others. Let: us remember that the second ob- ject of Rotary is to encourage and foster three things: (first) high ethical standards in busi- ness and professions; (second) the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and, (third) the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society, and “vocational service” implies that Rotarians are putting this object to work in their businesses and _profes- sions. A Rotarian does not need and should not want to ask anyone other than him- self how to do this. However, he should study his business and his rela- tion to it. He can begin by asking himself such questions as: How can I be thoughtful of and helpful to others in the conduct of my business? Are my standards of business practice all that they should be? Am I and are my associates and our em- ployes conducting our business according to the standards we have adopted? Are we satisfied that we are engaged in a worthy occupation in which we have our opportunity to serve society? The Rotarian should not and does not expect others to answer for him such questions as these. He may have a partner or a business associate with whom he can discuss them. When the Rotarian gets to survey- ing the conduct of his business a host of other questions will keep popping up for thought and reflection by him. Among such questions may be: Do I use the best materials obtainable? Do I manufacture with care and thorough- ness? Do I ever adulterate or misrepresent my products? Do I sell with friendly thoughtfulness as to the actual needs of my customers? Do I treat small customers with the same courtesy as larger ones? Do I bribe buyers of our products if that seems necessary to make sales? Do I pay my employes a living wage plus an opportunity for saving and invest- ment? Do I invite and reward the helpful co- operation of my employes? If I knew where one of my employes could get a better job (for him), would I tell him and help him get it? O-1