8 Feporters, bent on learning the real facts concerning e iissouri-innsas basketball game tickets, decided to do smething pnt dom to Columbia, Missouri, and during the time that the Kansas gE on was inspecting the Brewer fieldhouse, wich is the yond complimentary tickets were given to members ef the varsity s11 as other varsity teams, politicians, high school coaches, and ee ee oe ye ee Se ee ee nts making the seating capacity 6500, this 1000 extra to take et would not shew in the gine report.” He said, "If our new= % rts showed thet we had 6500 at the game then Kansas would went ott er 1000 tickets went,, so we just closed the doors, denying , and said that the fieldhouse would seat a little better then take care of our complimentary tickets." 2 This explains the reason why the Kansos Athletic Association could get ; onl? 25 tick ts for their patrons and friends who desired to go to Columbia, These mt to te fees ca lowe frends of the slayre but the general | followed tho Jayhwkers were prohibited fran going to Columbia because prt Se Se Missouri wd mt sell eny tickets to then. ee : ’ rma Ont wee 0 pee te peoyes ot Columbia between end friends who desire to see their favorites in action