To Chairman THE RURAL-URBAN ACQUAINTANCE COMMITTEE (Usually a Subcommittee of the Community Service Committee) The rural-urban acquaintance com- mittee is composed of a chairman who is a member of the community service committee, and such other members as the needs of the local club may require. In a small club it may consist of but one member, whereas in a large club it may have several. The rural-urban acquaintance com- mittee seeks to extend the sphere of Rotary influence in community service so that it may include adjacent rural territory. In other words, it seeks to develop a better understanding between residents of town and country. As a guide to the rural-urban ac- quaintance committee, Rotary Interna- tional has published a pamphlet (No. 39) “Rural-Urban Acquaintance Pro- motion,” a copy of which should be found in the club secretary’s office. He can get additional copies, if desired, from the secretariat. Rural-urban acquaintance promotion may be accomplished to a certain extent through work for rural boys. This type of service is described in Pamphlet No. 41, “Rural Youth.” Cooperation with the boys work committee would be desirable if this approach to rural-urban acquaintance promcticn were selected. The central office of the secretariat of Rotary International has on file in- formation concerning the work of rural-urban acquaintance committees in many communities. A Few Questions Concerning Rural- Urban Acquaintance Promotion (Digest of complete answers to be found in Pamphlet 39.) 1. What is the most popular method used by Rotary clubs to develop rural-urban acquaintance? Designation of certain regular club meetings for the entertain- ment of rural guests. 2. What type of program should be arranged for a rural-urban meet- ing? One that will be of equal inter- est to both farmers and their Rotarian hosts, and will help to create a feeling of good fellow- ship. 3. What is the value of visits to rural communities? They promote better under- standing than is possible in an urban setting. 4. Is there opportunity for rural- urban acquaintance work in the larger Rotary clubs? There are various effective methods of cooperation. 5. How may Rotary clubs maintain a constant contact with the farm- ers? The club should have a well- balanced rural representation in its membership.