November 3, 1945. | overnor Homer K. bright, Dear Governor Homer? Last week I wrote each one of the chairmen asking . pe Foe llc aagenthgeeotly ing gto fgg ing, but I believe since you have difficulty in getting away that 1] acme will be osk. ——— ee the job done. «the ects 1 nti tte tn the members just don't stay put long enough to have a good meeting. We have always started ours at 10:50 and had a mush better meeting than after lunch when everybody is fed up, a0 to speak, eee oe physically. : So, much as I dislike to have you neglect your sehool work, I believe aince I have written all the ghaire men that we had better say 11 o'clock at the Eldridge Hotel. I will have every arrangement made with Mike so that there will be no delay in getting started in our pri- vate quarters. I will have this appear in the Rotary bulletin so there will be no mistake regarding the 11 a.m. meeting time. I will follow your command and have the annual review properly filled out. | Sincerely and Rotarily,