Occasionally this period may include some unusual feature such as special music, a three or four-minute playlet, or a brief statement about some com- mittee accomplishment or some interest ing item about Rotary world wide. Fea- tures like these must be prepared with great care and rehearsed so as not to exceed the allotted time. Summary The weekly meeting of a Rotary club is its most important event. To make productive use of this meeting, the president should be punctual, making and keeping to a schedule; he should maintain good order, both by his atti- tude and by making himself heard; he should give his best thought to the im- portant second period. These things will take devotion and study and pa- tience, but they will pay richly in results and in satisfaction. The President’s Relationship to the District Governor The district governor is one of the officers of R.I. Under the general super- vision of R.I. the district governor has direct supervision of the clubs in his district. He is a man of considerable Rotary experience. He attends the in- ternational assembly and convention prior to taking office in order further to prepare himself for his duties. He is able, therefore, to be a helpful leader and adviser, which is his function. The club president may find his relationship with the district governor stimulating from the standpoint of his Rotary duties and also delightful in personal friend- ship. In all his relationships with the dis- trict governor the club president should think of the governor as one whose function and purpose are to cooperate with the president in building and main- taining a strong Rotary club. Governor’s Official Visit Some -of the president’s contacts with the district governor have already been - mentioned, such as the district confer- ence, district assembly, and the assist- ance given in organizing new Rotary clubs. One more important contact de- serves consideration here. It is the gov- ernor’s official visit to the club. This is arranged by correspondence or at the district assembly, and whenever possible occurs on the club’s regular meeting day. The president should remember, however, that the governor has many clubs to visit; that like club officers, the governor is giving freely of his time and energy to perform this service and that it may be necessary for him to ask the club to make some adjustment to accom- modate him even at some inconveni- ence. If it is possible to hold the club assembly during the evening preceding the club meeting there will be greater oppor- tunity for the discussion of committee reports and for committee chairmen to bring up subjects on which they wish help. The official visit consists of a confer- ence with the president and the secre- tary (or separate conferences with each); a meeting with the club assembly (officers, directors, committee chair- men); and a meeting with the whole club, at which the governor makes the address. The district governor makes an official visit not as an investigator but as a friendly counselor. If the president will make advance preparation for the visit and cooperate with the governor when he comes, the club will benefit as a result. Advance Preparation As advance preparation the president should see that each committee meets to prepare a complete report of its plans, accomplishments to date, fre- quency and character of committee meetings, etc. Holding these meetings and preparing these reports, copies of which are furnished to the district gov- ernor, will contribute to advancing the work of the club as well as aid the gov- ernor on the occasion of his visit. Chairmen who have thus carefully {13}