studied the work of their committees will be more cooperative in their con- tacts with the governor when he visits the club, and better able to get needed help from him. Annual Review To aid club officers in summarizing the status of their clubs, a form called “Annual Review of Club Administra- tion and Activities’ will be sent to the club in duplicate by the district gov- ernor before his visit. This review should be thoughtfully considered by the president and the board of directors, and a copy of the completed form sent to the governor. Just as preparing the review will give the president and di- rectors a comprehensive estimate of the club, so studying the review will enable the governor to render the most bene- ficial service at the time of his visit. Following his visit, the governor pre- "pares a memorandum of the visit for the president and the board of directors of R.I. The Rotary Club and the Ladies An occasional meeting at which the wives of Rotarians and other ladies are guests may do much to strengthen a club and to develop enthusiasm for the Rotary program. Most Rotary clubs hold at least one such meeting each year. Because of its importance it deserves careful planning. The president should look on it as one of the most important meetings of his administration. This meeting should be announced well in advance to insure a good attendance, and the program details should be worked out with care. It must be re- membered that the ladies may not be well acquainted with many of the Ro- tarians or with each other and therefore some of the informalities that are proper among intimates may not be appropriate in a ladies’ meeting. This precaution does not mean that the ladies’ program should be unnaturally formal. Songs that everyone knows, entertainment that is mature and whole- some will help to create a friendly feel- ing among those present. The seating plan needs careful thought in order to promote acquaintance without embar- rassing the ladies by seating them so that they are not near anyone they know. In addition to promoting social enjoy- ment, a ladies’ meeting should con- tribute to a better understanding of Rotary and its program on the part of the ladies. In selecting the speaker the president and his assistants should try to get someone who has an intimate acquaintance with one or more of Ro- tary’s avenues of service and ability to explain it in an interesting manner. Not to give the ladies something informing as well as entertaining would be both to miss an opportunity and to misjudge the ladies’ interest. tia