6. First Meeting of Board of Directors There is need to obtain the agreement of all at the outset to hold regular (at least monthly) meetings of the board, ee Club Meetings The president presides. The weekly meeting is probably the most important single factor in carrying out the Rotary program. For this reason the president 8. District Assembly This is a business meeting for presidents and secretaries,—broadening, stimulat- ing. This is where each club “gears” in with the others in the district. At- Q, Club Assembly This important group consisting of club officers, directors and committee chair- men should meet early in the club year and regularly thereafter. For a descrip- so as to guide and govern the club well. The president must plan each meeting. See page 10. should give careful thought to his re- sponsibility for the meeting. See pages ele 12. tendance essential. (It is also desirable for committee chairmen to attend.) See page 7. tion of its function see page 10 of this pamphlet and also “Suggestions for Rotary Club Committees” (pamphlet No. 20). 10. Filling Unfilled Classifications To avoid the error often committed, the president should see that the classifica- tions committee gets down to serious work at once. This is the best way to discover and take advantage of every opportunity for building an even stronger and more alert club. 1 l. Using Rotary Periodicals Official notices and much useful in- formation are sent to club presidents through the R. I. News Letter, the September to December governor's monthly letter, “The Ro- tarian” and “Revista Rotaria.” See suggested uses mentioned on page 8. PP? Review of Club Administration and Activities. Check up on committees. Prior to his official visit the district governor will send to the club two copies of the “An- nual Review of Club Administration and Activities.” The careful prepara- tion of this review will be helpful to club officers. See page 14. [16 }