‘HE SACRAMENTO BHE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1943 MB ee Go Gold Star Head Scores Proposed Japanese Return LOS ANGELES, Oct, 19. — (®) — The mothers of men who died in World War I added their voices today to the protests against any proposal to permit resettled Japanese to re- turn to the Pacific Coast. Testifying before a state senate fact finding committee, Mrs, Mar- garet Benaphfl, president of the Gold Star Mothers here, said her organization already has petitioned Washington in opposition to any move to bring the Japanese, now in relocation. centers, back to this war industrialized area. “We never want to see any of them here again,” she declared. Planned Coionization Deputy City Attorney Fairfax Cosby, formerly a Napa County farmer, told the commititee that Japanese infiltration on the west coast started as early as 1905. “First cam@ army officers, then the picture brides and workers, and then the Shinto priests,” he assert- ed. He said he employed 16 Japa- nese in 1905 and found they were the vanguard of a large force of regimented countrymen bent on es- tablishing colonies here. Warns Of Massacre District Attorney Fred N. How- ser said he believes the return of]; evacuated Japanese would touch off a massacre, Howser told a state senate com- mittee yesterday he has letters from three organizations informing him their members are pledged to kill any Japanese who are in California now or after the war, “T have talked to service men who fought the Japanese in the South Pacific and they ‘tell me they will not hésitate to kill any Japanese they see here or anywhere else. I have talked to relatives of other service men, some of them casual- ties, and they say the same thing. Artists Are Invited Tol Show Work In Gallery Artists who wish to participata in the activities of American Art Week, -which will be held from No- vember ist to 7th, may leave their entries in the E. B. Crocker Art Gallery from tomorrow to October 24th. . This announcement was made by Harry Noyes Pratt, diree- tor of the art gallery and an ag- sistant director in charge of ex hibits. These may include oils, wat tercolors, prints, phstographs, cray- ons or sketches and should include proper wiring for hanging. Theodore Baggelman is the direc- tor for the Sacramento City and) County observance of American Art Week. These are Sacramento war mothers with babies which were born after the fathers had gone into the service, The fathers never have seen the babies, but they will receive prints of the pictures. Top, left to right: Mrs. Darlene Estes and David Eldon, of 1530 Los Robles Boulevard, North Sacramento, wife and son of Gerald Estes, a merchant mariner some place in the Pacific with the U. S. Lines; Mrs. Milton Monson and Mil- ton W. Monson II of 1006 U Street, whose husband and father, Lieutenant Milton W. Monson, is in the Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, Lower, left to right: Mrs. Robert Phulps and Judith Lee of 1080 “Arcade. Boulevard, wife and daughter of Sergeant Robert Phulps, who is with an infantry regiment somewhere in the Pacific war theater; Mrs. Fay Jeffries and Janice Kay of 3509 Fifty Second Street, whose jusband and father, Sergeant Victor H, Jeffries, is at Stinson Field, San Antonio, Texas. Bee Photos