Tanuary 24, 1944. Mr". Walter f z« Koetits, Chief, Division of Immigration and Housing, S05 California Building, 515 Van Ness Avee«, San Francisco 2, California. ‘Dear Rotarian Koetitz: I am delighted to have your letter of January 21 informing us that you will be in Lawrence on February 4th for a week or ten days while you are attending the wedding of your son. \ T have a son who is with the Sunflower Ordnance Works. He is agsistant to the chief investi- gator. He is an attorney and has one child six years ~ of age, but he is one of the pre~Pearl Merbors and to-~ day he is in Kansas City with ea view of enlisting in a new set-up with the Marines. We serteainly will welcome you to Lawrence Rotary Club, and are wondering if you would consent to be our speaker on February 7th while you are,here. We meet each Monday at the Eldridge Motel at 12:30 and ad- journ at 1:45. ‘The time given to the speaker is generally 25 minutes. I am very sure that you could bring us a wormlerful message. We will be delighted to hear from you. My classification is Education, Physical. I happen to be Director of the Department of Physical Education at the Cuiversity of Kansas, and Varsity Basket- ball Coach. Roterily your's, | FCA: A | President.