eeeone Spanos Greetings ee ee) o<2) is be ar’ ‘ x Ry a Ni ° e e o Ry Let Us Drive Christmas for the Sick ain ye With All Our Might The Rotary Club of Hamil- 38x Big Let us persuade eachad- ton, New Zealand, sends a A es ministrative officer, each Christmas present to every = ca : e in a hospital. ¥ Baye committeeman, and each child in a hospital rN ey employee of Rotary to re- The Christchurch, New Zea- iS ay examine and weigh all and, Rotary club sends a ais Re planned pr ocedure cover- Christmas card and a brand 3 SW ing each hour of outlined new shilling to every child in ve ss work as to it being a Ro- hospital, orphanage and mental 2M Sui tary need adapted to the institution. A eS rn present world crisis. » RY Christmas for If in their judgment aN Bits . slightly altered activity or - oe mA . Servicemen : procedure will produce im es ae Rye The Rotary Club of Bidde- _ better results in this emer- Fn x x3 ford—Saco, Maine, invites all gency, we want them to ang xy servicemen on leave to the — ask for the privilege of ad- Aa Buz = club’s Christmas party and | pre- justment. NN es sents them with cigarettes and , ss Re incr, attic We want Rotarians to Ne a think and do now as they The Right Spirit Pie Rais The members of the Sugar- have never thought and Heard f b AN . y creek, Ohio, club prepare spe- done. before. 5 . Th . d oe prem A aS cial Christmas cards for the : : aay. past negCay, ee en : : : Let us post thisnoticeon dr f bonds: “Don’ - buys. «= servicemen from their com- aa : ee oC ee eres a munity every desk and in every know why I keep on buying JM by : Rotary workshop. Individ- these things. Never come any- Ss = The members of the Rotary ual initiative will win for where close to winning,” but he ais Mus == Club of Marysville, California, Rotary the development of — was smiling when he said it, and AN “ y invite servicemen to their homes the individual. Your and I know that next Thursday he ¢ x for Christmas dinner. ee rae = iat would take another strip from 2 REY e ‘ these thoughts immedi- one of the committee and smile As “aP wo ately into the minds ofour again when the numbers he Z nS BA .. me ee ee fellow-workers will meas- ought drew a blank. How do 3K By 34 : ‘ si 5 ure the success of Rotary [ know? Because he is a Ro- arg BM Christmas time with various 4p, year. tari 4 lke all the. oth PAN 3g kinds of gifts and cards. ee Le is x Let us drive with all our he’d like to win a bond, just for PN a The members of the Rotary might for this adaptability the fun of the thing, but he Aes a Club of North Sacramento, to the moment. really doesn’t expect it-and he ym 4% = California, arrange for club _—Charles L. Wheeler. looks upon the dollar a week Ne mg members to entertain convales- President he pays for the ticketsasasmall 4 Bye cent servicemen in their homes subscription to the war com- Safe over Christmas week-end. mittee fund. fs a) —The Editor, Ne dee THe Live Oak Ax ° Oakland, California a &Y Christmas for Hill Christmas aN 54 : for Orphans ey = =Children rN Masterton, New Zea- tee = Rye The Rotary Club of Summer- _jand, entertains the chil- ye a ville—Trion, Georgia, has ar- dren annually at a Christ- OF << ranged for a Christmas program mas lunch. Last year there You can help make some family zy mn ts «© for children “back in the hills were. 80 children present very happy this Christmas. Don’t Ns ag and mountains.” at this party. pass up the opportunity. - RK a a SEs I SS SS SS SS SW SS I HSN St We Nt. Ne. Se. Ste. Ste, Ste St Se St rath rathcat teat teat test testes testes test kesthasthesthostiostteattest tat tat tae 13A-43 . Cy ‘ J