ON LOCAL PLANNING OF POST-WAR JOBS Gerald Hesse eee Sub- ject at Rotary Club Meeting (\ KEEP WHEELS Post war planning, to create jobs in Lawrence after the war is over, . was discussed today noon at Rotary by Gerald Hesse, vice-president in charge of sales at the Lawrence Paper. Company. The _ speaker served ‘the Chamber of Commerce as president last year and recently was named local chairman for the National Committee of Economic Development, a group which hopes ‘to have private industry ready to go into high gear when war-born | industries close down, and millions of soldiers return to civilian life. _ ~ Hesse took his theme from, “Hats ‘off to the past: coats off to the future; let’s go” s Must Make Plans Now | American business men can ac< complish anything if they set their minds to it, said Hesse, but they | must begin to plan now if they are to create the necessary 7 to 10 million additional jobs required to maintain the “American way of | life’? after peace. A return of workers to home work is expected to ease the strain on creating | private jobs, Great responsibility rests on - small businessmen because they will be expected to make possible several million jobs. Large indus- tries already have plans at work for rapid reconversion from war contracts to production of consum- er goods, Of last year’s 155 billion dollar national income, more than a half, or 84 billion, was in war production.