_ Four Essential Points Hesse stressed the following points as necessary for a pick-up in private industry which would avoid a serious depression caused by unemployment after the war: 1, Cooperation between busi- ness, labor and agriculture and a removal of selfishness which has existed in the past. _ 7 federal administration which would be favorable to indi- vidual initiative; and not prone to place obstacles in the way of pri- vate business expansion. Immediate planning for post- war development; not waiting uns til after the war is over. 4,. The necessity for creating a demand for consumer goods, and the creation of desires to buy. | Cities to Make Surveys __ All cities are: e be asked sb ta Make ‘surveys for..a. community “Work -Pile;?-whieh-— will indicate ~ the amount of work needed in the immediate post war era. Already, in Lawrence, groups such as appli- ance dealers and builders are bein organized to make a survey of. community. requirements. | In closing, Hesse related the out~ come of a recent thoro survey made in Albert Lea, Minn., wherein it was discovered that careful plan- ning now will provide hundreds of | new jobs to meet consumer needs of that city. Something of that nae ture will be done in Lawrence. The address was transcribed and broadcast over WREN later in the afternoon. _ The birthday of Mayor C. B. Russell was recognized by John Brand.