Beloit, Kensas, February 1,1944., “et : 3 i ee Fellow Rotarian: Thewdler? 099. “a T am sure that you as a Rotarian will be very much interested in the inclosed reprint from"Editor and Publisher" on how the Press can aid Management-Labor teamwork. vs All ofv know that one of the bottlenecks of our War effort has been Labor-Management difficulties on the product- ion line.What is needed is an unselfish philosophy of team work that will work together until the war is won-and then on into the Peace period in planning an adequate"Work Pile" of employ- ment for returning soldiers. If selfish subversive forces gain control of labor. resentment of the returning soldiers may flare into open strife. The force of Moral ReArmament is seeking to build that needed spirit of unselfish team work in the nation.Senator George Wharton Pepper says of the work of MRA: "The most pressing problem in every industrial’ plant is how to convert the half- heartedness which ends in defeat into the enthusiasm which carries . on. to Victory. ae Now = Every normal human being,whether worker or manager has in him the spark thet can be fanned into a flaming determin- ation to win the war;but how shall the fanning be done? Rough talk by one set off men to another morely blows out the apark.Soft talk by mealy-mouthed managers is apt to leave strong men cold.Why not stop both kinds.of talk and substitute an approach to every man's better self,whether ho be menage or worker,by forcing upon his attention a striking picture of the actual. consequences of the half-heartedness of the weak and the enthusiasm of the strong? Why not in this way suggest to every man that it is up to him to fan his own spark. : 7 Birchard Taylor,Vice-president of Cramp Ship yards upon the authority of practical experience,says that this approach is the right way to create in each man a permanent inner incentive, He also testifies,on the basis of experience,thet the men and women of Moral Re-/rmarient are the people who have developed this essential art.They know how to kindle the flame.Their industrial program mekes cold hearts warms and weak wills strong..." After reading the inclosed leaflet,will you please hand it over to your Clubts "Press" representative. 7 / Y y Sincerely, ce Rotarian, C.Lewis Irwin,