April 3, 1944. . Dr. Homer Kk. Ebright, Baldwin, Kansas. Dear Governor Homer: Ralph Graber, our chairman of Boys Work and Youth Committees, hes made arrangements to havo Dr. Charles E. Barker for Friday, April 21, at the high school assembly. We are arranging to have our Doys ifork Comittee lunch with Dr. Parker Friday noone I am planning on being present. I wish that there was. more that I dould do, but this date comes at a bad time for all of us regarding high school and Lawrence business hook-up. This is Music Week in the town and University as well as high school, and it makes a heavy schedule. I just called Coriett Cotton and I would suggest the following: "Corlett Cotton says the three strolling troubadours from Kansas City, Missouri, are about the best trio of musical entertainers that he has seen in action for @ long times They wiil make any couple's evening happy and Bays and they will give everybody e - time." Moye this fixes you up. Rotarily yours, FOAsAH Prentéant.-