Merch 25, 1944. Governor Homer fk. Ebright, Baldwin, Yansase : Dear Governor Homer: T am making a progress report to you on your letter written me Maroh 22 regarding the possibility of Dr. Charles EB. Barker speaking before our high school assembly. Immediately upon receipt of your letter I called Hr. Graber. He had been ill and is still il] at his home. 1 talked to Mrs. Graber and she relayed the message to Ralph. Ralph stated that it would be necessary for him to visit the high school to make a final determination on dates. However, he will do this the first of the week and we will get the definite information to you immediately. I trust this will be agreeable. | We will consider the evening meeting, but at the moment I feel that the noon meeting will be about all that we oan USE.> : : “ith all good wishes, I am Rotarily yours, FCA:AH President.