“Rotary International An Explanation Chicago, Illinois as to the services of DR. CHARLES E. BARKER ee 28©¢@ ©8@ $8 88 *28 #0@ se ee oe se ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Who is Dr. Charles E. Barker? The attached publicity item tells the story. What Service Does Dr. Barker Render to Communities Visited? Three different addresses are usually made by Dr. Barker in each community which he visits, namely; To the High School Students (11:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m.) on the subject of "How to Make the Most of Your Life." To the Rotary club at noon on "Rotary By-Products," To an Evening Mass Meeting (to which the general public is invited) on the subject "The Most Important Job in the World." What is the Cost of that Service? There is no cost for the above service to the district or to the Rotary clubs. The board of directors of Rotary International provides the funds for this service to relatively new and small Rotary clubs to aid them in giving their members and the com- munity at large an outstanding day's program. How Does the District Governor Arrange for that Service? The secretariat commmicates with the governor of each dis- trict where it appears advisable to have Dr. Barker visit and sends a list of clubs not recently visited by him. From that list of clubs each governor selects those to which the service should be offered in the number of days allotted to the district. What Arrangements Should be Made by the Club? Rotary International sends to each club to be visited detailed suggestions as to how to make the best use of Dr. Barker's services, together with publicity material for the local news- papers, 2 ee