Will you please fill out this page and send it to Distriet Governor, Baldwin, Kansas, even if you have published the fasts in your club bulletin. 1. Name of president for year 1944-45 2e New vice-president 5. Secretary for 1944-45 4. Did you have any inter-city meetings this year? 5. Has.your club made a contribution to Rotary Foundation this year? 6. Did your club make its semi-annual report to Kotary International which was due January 1, and which must be in within the three months period? 7. As there has. been a recent announcement that the Rotary International Convention will be drastically reduced this year, and be limited to R.I. officers, including district governors, the new district governors nominee, and as each club is urged to be represented by proxie, if you wish your district governor to represent you will you fill out this blank. The Rotary Club of authorizes Homer Kingsley Ebright, the District Governor of District 125, to repre- sent our club at the Rotary International Convention to be held in Chicago, May 18-22, 1944, Signed by Fresident Secretary