April 27 5 1944. a f Mr. Charlie Mitehell, Treasurer, Crane and Company, Topeka, Kanease Bear Charlie : : I started to address you as president ~ that is what it ought to be, just like the wise boy who addresses the captain as colonel. You get the ides. _ Our official greeters who will report to you are John Brand, attorney at lew, chairman of the Rationing Board, . past president of Rotary, chairman of the Red Cross war fund drives of past years, and so forth. He is a Washburn Collece graduate under my cousin, Harry K. Allen = that ought to ruin him for life. Wis wife, Xatherine, is a daughter of Dr. Hele Snyder (deceased) of Winfield, Kansas, former chairman of the Board of Regents. I kmow they have two children. For con- versation you can find any other things concerning the fami past and present. They will be up Sunday afternoon. : The other greeter will be M. Shipman Winter, a former Aggie great in the gridiron sport, played three years out there and during the three years he played against Kansas the Aggies never won a game. Now I an not expecting you to tell Ship that I told you this. His father is a former member of the Legislature and has a lot of honors, as well as Ship. _ ‘% the present time Ship is president of the Chamber of Commerce, he is proprietor of the Lawrence Chevrolet Company, and is an active cattle buyer on his own account with Roger “Dode" Williams, the postmaster, another Rotarian in buwrence. Ship is one of the most active of ow Rotarians in business. He has been on the Rotary Board of Directors a number of times. I tried to cal] Ship's home and talk to his wife, Paye. She is a very talented lady, the mother of three or four children, end they are all as good looking as she and Ship are. Mrs. Winter has been very active in all civic duties as well