Attendance for May Mobilized Attendance 100% Members Rotarians Percentage Meetings Rank &. Clubs of 100 to 200 members 1. Kansas City, Kansas 133 7 87.83 - 2. Topeka 178 7 80.40 ~ B, Clubs of 50 to 100 members 1. Atchison 50 76.76 2. Hmporia 75 5 79.10 - ‘3. Junction City 51 6 77.94 - 4, Lawrence 60 81.55 ~ Se Leavenworth | 50 84.40 6. Manhattan 84 86.63 C. Clubs of 25-49 Members 1. Baldwin 34 1 99.03 3 i 2. Bonner Springs 32 84.901 - 3. Burlington 25 95.00 - 3 5. Holton 36 4 88.19 - 6. Marysville 44 85,52 - 7. OQlathe 32 - | 7 8. Osawatomie 29 76.75 - 9. Ottawa 46 3 91.65 - 8 10. Paola 31 96.45 1 2 ll. Seneca 30 00.00 D, Ciubs of 12 to 24 members “2. Blue Rapids ei 95,93 - 5 5. Burlingame 20 2 68.75 - 4. Cottonwood Falls 15 00.00 & Frankfort 14 2 89.99 ~ 6. Howard 18 41.67 - 7. Lyndon 15 1 68.44 - 8. Oskaloosa a e 93.42 1 6 9. Overbrook 12 80.00 - 10. Valley Falls 19 90.79 - 9 Totals L171 50 Average 78.12 Remarks 1, The district average of 78.12 is the lowest for the year. 2. Two of the clubs did not send in reports and lowsred average. 3. Baldwin took the honors with three 100% meetings 4, Look and see if your club reported the mobilized Rotarians, that is, those who are in the armed forces. 5. The reports for June should be sent to the old governor Homer K, Ebright at Baldwin. Try to send them in as soon after July 1 as possible.