ce The Tasks Are Legion Rotary has always been a strong supporter of the claims of youth. What youth needs most —apart from actual assistance— is a little of a man’s time, a little of his individuality and of his personality. Up to the present, the great- est measure of our Rotary as- sistance to youth has gone to boys. That is understandable enough; but, in future, I would like to see some of it given to our girls. We, as Rotarians, can easily find useful outlets for all the urge we may have to help in youth work. The Boy Scout movement ... the Heritage movement... the Air Training Corps, would be all the better for the enthusiastic backing of ‘our citizens in general and our Rotarians in particular. The tasks are legion. Let us go to them. —District Governor Charles H. Taylor, Dist. 53 (New Zealand) The Richest Heritage— that parents can bequeath to their children is to teach them by precept and example from childhood that they will have to give four full quarts of honor and integrity for every one gal- lon of fame and fortune that they may hope to receive. —RotTARY THUNDER AND LIGHTNING, Nacogdoches, Tex. e GET A NEW MEMBER TODAY! 50-44 Do Not Forget We are walking advertise- ments of what we are. The per- sonal care we take of our body, our manner of dress, our car, numberless other things help to tell people the kind of person we Feally are. The chap who is neat in dress and who does not allow an ac- cumulation of details to confuse and slow him up some day may become an important leader of men. The careless person in- jures more people than himself. A quiet orderly office gives us a confidence in a business— makes us anxious to know its products or the service that is performed. It is the same with a store. When your presence is noticed immediately and when every courtesy is shown, you are put in a cheerful mood and are willing to buy. That store you will remember. It is so much easier to win than to fail. It is largely an atti- tude of the mind—an orderly mind. —THE Mrnarp Rotary REcorp, Menard, Tex. @ This Thing That We Seek Two hundred and ten thou- sand of us living under the same Code of Ethics, with the same Four Objects in view, speaking and eating and meeting in as many different ways as there are different civilized peoples on the face of the earth. What is this thing that we seek, and why do we pursue it with such determination week after week and year after year? It has been called everything possible and yet from it all I can think of nothing simpler than that we, as free thinking men, are meet- fog and talking with each other for the purpose of finding a simpler and happier way to live with each other. —Governor Guy M. Catlin, Dist. 195 \f ‘\ Around the Rotary World in Wartime % is Our Rotary Foundation A goal of $2,000,000 is the amount being sought for the Ro- tary foundation. Its purpose is to perpetuate Rotary by keep- ing the organization sound fi- nancially in times of depression and expansion. As soon as the occupied countries are liber- ated Rotary will take steps toward the re-establishment and extension of clubs in these areas. If you believe in the extension of Rotary to other countries, why not make a contribution to this fund. It may be the means of bringing to an unfortunate fellow-man the benefits and happiness that Rotary brings to its members. A War Bond pur- chased now—made out to the Rotary Foundation — would do double duty. What do you say? Most of us have at least a few exira dol- lars around that could be used for this good purpose. ee @ me The Silver Lining Sir Philip Gibbs had this to say about World War I: “The fact is, I had a good time in the war, and I don’t think there was anything monstrous about me for liking it. The things I like about it are things that peacetime denies us: close association with large numbers of my fellow-men in a common purpose; the chance to put forth intensive, disinterested effort in a cause greater than my own personal fortunes; economic equality, and freedom from eco- nomic worries, and adventure. The fact that I didn’t believe we were fighting to make the World Safe for Democracy, or any- thing else of the sort, didn’t keep me from enjoying these features of it.” eMNTED uae