ond om As you realize, tuberculosis is no respecter of persons. Cases develop with all classes of people and the unsuspected case frequently is responsible for infecting many others. The photo- fluorographic method is undoubtedly the most successful means of detecting unsuspected cases, Will you accept this challenge to us as club members to do our part in getting a response from every adult in Lawrence and vicinity? As this suggests, we should not only see that the members of our families secure this x-ray photo-— graph of the chest but should encourage all of our neighbors and friends to participate in the prcegram. The time on Saturday is nct reserved exclusively for the service club members and their families. Bring along neighbors and friems wherever possible, or encourage them to come at the earliest opportunity. Rotarily yours, rr a7 Presid emt e FCA P.S, Members of the K.U. faculty who have taken the tuberculosis test at the University Hospital within the past two years are exempt from this request unless they desire to secure another check. But in such cases, please arrange to have other members of your family present themselves for the X-ray examina- tion next Saturday -- or at the earliest available period,