ae Then there was another play situation almost as bady wien Reid of the thites would get the tall, ond being erowied for a shot, would make either a one hand shot or a throw up under @ closely guarded position. The intelligent thing would have been to have brought the ball to the floor, pivoted, and with a quick pass out given it to one of the men in safer territory. Here is a dangerous thinge Then you miss a shot on that play situation the bell goes to the opponents, of course, because they are closely guarding you. The defense is in there fighting for the ball and if it is an intelligent defense it is massed around the basket. Therefore, the odds are against you. Whereas, if your thinking apparatus is working pip pessing the ell out beyond this congested zone the holder of tis tall is ine ‘nice position to shoot because of the fact that the defense has draw @ cordon of aggressive defenders close in under the basket. This is the difference between a highly intelligent tem and e group of players who just want to teng tho bell into the basket when they get hold of ite GE) Ain CORNERS TE MeN mre ‘College players have learned not to throw the tell around like high school players — throw 4t. You only get 60 to 70 shots per game, and if you will manipulate the ball to unguarded areas then your percentage of hits will mount if all other factors are equale Therefore you must increase your number of shooting chances and that is why the fast break has been employed = to catch the opponents so that they will be out» -mumbered, and to increase your opportunities for free driving lanes into the baskets ‘The second point is thet when certain plays, swing plays, are used enough consistent with accurate shots. ee | ake tee One other point = many times the Whites had the Reds at a disadvantage, but the player with the tall either drove straight to the basket and did not seem to have any imagination in depleying it eo thet he wuld get the unximm benefit fron -