=. his offensive thrust. Remember, when eny player drives at the basket with the tall he should feint in one direction end suing to the other, thereby draning the opposing defensive mn out of position, end at the seme time plece himself in a position so that he can pivit, if needs be, and thereby open up « lane for « tean mate, ) were loot yostertny by failure to obesrve this rule tint Ins aAbmys bem enpinsized. : And, lastly, the team as a whole is in miserable physical condition for a gruelling game. sev: SG whe tememdn you widlb yresttading, th yun louie Meltues> dngty helphees mst hopeless when the ttfe tumed against yous After having sem the ‘strategy enpleyed by the Reds of a slesper play or a long pass out with e quick break, the Whites had no general to enalyze their wealmess or to correct a fagging Some of the pleyers, being disgusted with their om play, found fault with Cate: cppemmates ty Geethaenthn wenin eb ty entting mery wenthl Cheedes Wh eke teem mates, saying, “What's the matter with you?", without saying the words. Now, renember, if you feel that wy about it correct your om faults first, and then the rest will generally take care of itself. ‘Now for the Red teams Naturally a Red uniform is a signal to go out and con- ‘quer the Uhite, which is representative of the varsity. ‘The Uhites fool that. they are fairly good and the Reds feel, "Well, wo'll Inock those guys offs Why cannot the White team have some of that marauding conquering spirit that seems to pervade the Red team, only because it is @ Red teem and not generally on secoumt of the personel, "Perhaps you Inve noticed a tad boy sometimes who has failed to do the thing that he is supposed to do or Ins done the thing that he should not have done. Being so full of, should I say remorse or a consciousness that he is aware that everybody knows that he came up short, he is going to show the teacher what a good boy he really can be end he tums in and is the outstanding boy in the class merely