TT ye ee The meal IS important. Every club can . and should have good foodsa variety of menu; clean, appetizing, prompt service; special food for persons on @ diet; and lowest possible cost to the member, Don't pernilt #1 bers; ‘to abl ba after the / > | creating vacancy in the center of the room that is difficult for a speaker to , face and Menbers..should \turn and face +the/speaker! ’ but re- main at their tebles. 1 Nal Introduce visiting Rotarians, or call on fellowship committee chairman to do so, asking each to stand and re- after all have. been introduced. Have individvel members introduce their guests... Sing? Sing! Sing! AY cmnatune oda isa happy club. © Money spent. for meals of song leader and. good, accompan- _ist.(if,club doesn't have them in _ the, membership) _ is” the best: ‘money your club. can, spend, Announcenentsy! Put. ecpbeedat ov eneuaint- tee activities. by getting chairman ‘of one er two committees to ‘report each week, notifying them’ in ad- | vance.” Avoidvhaving outsiders» come >’ sbefore the:club. ifspossible, .Keep ' announcements brief. but gant! and complete, Keep business of the club off the floor rs tings. we The. board. of rs she --take-care of it, leaving ‘the meeting for program, ae ee cedure een om hana < iat soted etary for — of last ce and previous ee a attendance, and for meats one necessary ‘commmications. ae SP 2 Cor Pat, on. governor's ‘monthly’ Letter . & .*Y17A-Auge '2-Y-1M | alent }i POET MMOD DE. LN eae Introduce program chairmen, stating - his. committee or office in the club. After the program, review earlier an- nouncements before adjourning if time permits, then adjourn promptly on time: with @ song, pledge to the flag, or. zeafiing of the objects of ) fp ‘Rotary. Avoid having poled tidebings before or <~ weekly club, meetings. The ae d should meet: monthly ‘or twice ‘an onthly, at a time when.members can — B ve the time to deliberate . -care- fully on the club's business, Develop habit on the part of members main standing until alb:-have been. pe = Wom coning forward and greeting per- introduced, Give "hand".of welcome) = | “Bons | ‘on the program, whether members “or fot, “and greeting each visitor. Linger a while after the meeting and enjoy the fellowship. Arrange ‘to | hace? seating, “table: ar- rangement, order of program, etc. Plan anniversary, old members, and _ other special meetings. Tala fficers of other local groups - te. your meetings once . An, a while - ands ‘perhaps exchange. a. program, with ' other, civic. clubs... . Call on same member to. introduce ten men to his right by their first “ames and classifications, 9 9c — heck to see how many rietibereh eine svear- “ing Rotary lapel buttons’ and: fine the delinquents cccasionally, © Ask a new member ‘to. give “the ‘charter . .owmunber of... club and . date, .club, was organizeds oy. t hee ah Have all "Bobs," "Charleys,” "Henrys," "Jims," "oes," basonedl a a ~~ = recite “the ‘four ‘bes - Of Fo-