May &s 1943. 2/o Manhatten Rotary Club, Manhattan, Kansas. Dear itr. Bates: : While at the District Conference meeting at Topeka yesterday, Mr. R. I. Throckmorton, your presi~ dent, told me of the honer roll for service men that you hed compiled. | I would appreciate 1t very much if you will write me telling me how you developed your work in this very laudable enterprise. I was much impressed with the value that could come from such a fine pro~ ject. I spoke to Mr. Throckmorton about it and he said that he was sure you would be gled to explain the modus operandi to me. I am sure thet you can save me many hours work and I assure you I will appreciate your prompt reply. | Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.