12:30 MONDAY -—- LAST MONDAY --- THS BULLE, t LAWRENCE ROTARY CLUB April 30, 1943 "Music Builds Morale," wrote President Roosevelt in a letter commending Music Week beginning May 2. We will have a chance to have our morale boosted Monday, for Joe Wilkins, Professor of Voice, | School of Fine Arts, University of Kansas, will present a program of music for our enjoyment and profit. We know it will be good. "Spell bound," was the words one member used des- cribing the effect of Catherina Fruin's talk. The petite Dutch Miss wowed the boys and made some of them step right lively in the folk dances. If Catherina is a good sample then we want to help — drive those Nazis out of her native country and go ever there and get better acquainted and play a- "ON TO TOPEKA" round some with the natives. The Club is ready to add attractive girls to wooden shoes, cheese, and tulips as desirable products of Holland. is the cry of President Elect Phog Allen, who heads the club's District Conference committee. The dates are May 2 and 3, and that is right now. COULD BE: Lawrence ought to be well represented at our sub- urb to the west, even though Ye-Ed can't go on Sunday and feels the Sabbath day ouareh, not to be used for such a purpose. | "My Ma says she could have soled her shoes with this steak I brought back," a small lad told the butcher. "Why didn't she?" inquired the butcher sarcasticully. "Because she didn't have any pri- - erity to buy nails." Your pencil pusher, Ye-Ed-Ted.