ee on acocunt of the presnwe tint ia a: him. I inve seen fellows go all through life just that ways Their finenciel eredit is on the rocks, and then ty sae Heroulean effort they pull up and get going pretty well, and just as soo as success seams flowering in full fruition they go back into another slump and disappoint the people depending on then, as well as all of their friendse The intelligent thing, of course, would be to have a confortable tank account with a reserve whereby this confidence could be built up where it would be @ source of much satisfaction to the individual as well as all of his friends. That individual would have a stability begetting a security that is beyond all description. He would be a big man in his field. He would have the consofousness of being @ success, not a - question marke a ea a lek de wet pie saben Sas nd of description that we have used in a finsnejal sot ups I once had a so-called i great player who failed to train, and when it came to the play off dow at Columbia in 1935 we lost both gemes. That fellow failed to train, and it wasn't the failure of his physical body but it was the failure of his mental mchine, when he cane up after those two games that we had lost he said to me, “Doc, I lost the Big Six Championship for yous" Tt wasn't what I had lost but what he had lost that should have been the great concern. He sold his om team mites short. You men playing on this team who are playing with men who do not train and _ men who do not come up one hundred per eent should yourselves place the odium upon this player vether than expecting the coach to carry the load, bocause it is your team and the coach is merely a teacher in a class room trying to get the most out of the players so that they in turn will receive the great benefit. And wiat is this great benefit? Is it money? No, 4t is simply a mythical sanething that all of you are striving for a Big ics Ceaeineiiiielaie You can't describe it. You can't analyze ite It is that mystie something that men struggle for. It io no banner given as an emblea of the championships There is a bronze plaque that