7a 8 BULLETIN LAWRENCE ROTARY CLUB April 23, 1943 YU Wea oi ee A ee ee Oe I ee A I 12:30 MONDAY ~- We will put the feed bag on once more with Mike Getto at the Eldridge, in the knowledge that Mike gives us as good provender as Uncle Sam allows these days. Catherina Fruin, attractive K.U, student from Holland, in "Native Costum," will hold forth on her own country. Born in the Dutch East Indies, having received part of her education in Switzerland and America, this petite cosmopolite will please her hearers, we are sure. LAST WEEK our own George Foulke regaled us on a subject that was right down his alley, Industrial America at War. It was done in that off-hand Foulkian manner that we have gotten to know and to appreciate. His World War I reminiscences were especially enjoyable. Come and detonate for us again, George. PHOG ALLEN is the new president of the club, that was easy to predict. Congrats to Phog and the club both. John Brand spoiled a good news story for Ye-Ed by being a Phi Delt instead of a Phi Psi. It all started with Corlet Cotton, Phi Psi, then came John Andrews, Phi Psi, and now Phog Allen, Phi Psi. Wouldn't that have made a hot story on working the old college brotherhood try if John Brand hadn't spoiled the Phi Psi dynastic succession. Dog gone you John, anyway! You make me lose faith in my alfactory sense for news. GOOD THOUGHT -—— An Iowa Church has on its bulletin board: "A hearse is a poor vehicle to come to church in. Why wait?" Yours—Shooting the breeze, Ye-Ed-Ted.