OUIS J. ALBER, who speaks Sunday night, May 2nd, before this 123rd District Conference at the Topeka High School Auditorium is said to know more about Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, than any other American. Because of an accident which befell Churchill shortly after he arrived in the United States in 1931 for a lecture tour, Alber’s association with him was more inti- mate and extended than ordinarily would have been the case. Alber for many years managed Chautauqua and Lyceum bureau tours. He was managing the Churchill tour when the accident occurred and lived with Churchill for four months. He has managed some of the foremost platform speakers including William Jennings Bryan, William Howard Taft, Warren G. Harding, Woodrow Wilson, Will Rogers, Lowell Thomas, Prince William of Sweden and others. Drawing upon the incidents of so close an association, Alber will present a colorful picture of the most interesting man in England and one of the outstanding British leaders of all time. Alber has known every President since Teddy Roosevelt, as well as many persons who classify as great or near great. This acquaintance gives him a fine background for the presentation of the man who held England together through the trying hours of the Battle of Britain and the outstanding world figure of this period. Title of Alber’s lecture is “CHURCHILL, THE IRRESISTIBLE.”