: BAKER UNIVERSITY BALDWIN, KANSAS HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT 4 BIBLICAL LITERATURE AND GREEK May 24 : 1943 Dr Forrest Allen , Lawrehce , Kansas ° Dear Forrest , or Phog , | ( or what do you wish to be called in igearr ) Well we had quite a time Sc St Louis <« Hope you got 1 back without trouble from high water .e« Our train was seven hours late in Kansas City .e Sorry that I did not get to see you the second day e A gozen of us met at the House of Friendship. , andtalked over several questions y» especially afyout the coming Rotary Officers Asswmably . It was the jufigment of the group that Lawrence was the best place to hold it, and so we accepted your invitation,. Also it seemed best. to pian for it. thesecond Monday in July, guly 12. Is that satisfactory with you ? eC That is the day for your local Rotary meeting, and so we shall do-.as-last year, ask the local ¢lub~to.- put on the program at the noon hour as amodel meeting , so everybody cen get some ideas to take home e I geized the o portunity by the"bangs " and asked our. new director , Gene Conklin... of. .Hutchinsor s to come and take part on theprogram, and I asked him which ofthe departments he would prefer to ee e He said any one, but he preferred International Service. at will be fine, for this year the interest- will be on Fost War, et Happens ? ae ae = = to have Gene. Conklin. | i am writi this letter at my earliest chance. so that you will know , that we want to have the assembly at Lawrence , and that we may be sure that the date is satisfactory , so that I can soon write some letters to others | Of the past governorse When will you know what your club will present ‘for its program that day , so that we make a program well balanced for the whoie day , 7 : Where will your club hold its dinner that day ? =I suppose at the Eldridge e Where then should we plan to hold our morning session and the afternoon session #? Is your luncheon room down stairs large enough for your regular crowd and 75 guests besides ? Or should we go up stairs to the dinding room ? Enough now e More later when : hear from you e Sincat, emer K E6rq