THE LAWRENCE DAILY JOURNAL-WORLD MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS BY THE WORLD COMPANY NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES PRINTERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK MAKERS LORENZEN & THOMPSON INC, ; NEW YORK, 28 WEST 44TH ST. CHICAGO, 333 N. MICHIGAN AVE. LAWRENCE, KANSAS KANSAS CITY, 1004 BALTIMORE AVEs OFFICES ALSOIN | ATLANTA, DETROIT, CINCINNATI, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, AND ST. LOUIS. May 15, 1943 Dr. F. CG. Allen, President Rotary Club Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The success of the last two Rotary parties prompts me to suggest that such parties be held at least four times a year and that the club establish Nell Cotton as permanent chairman of the party committee. ; The women folks really enjoy these occasions and I feel the majority of our members enjoy a break in the routine of our weekly noon day meet- ings. Sincerely, DS :df ILY JOURNAL-WORLD | ‘TEN PACES PERC 5