Auguat 3, 1948. Mrtie George Hedrick, | 1153 Bnery Road, Lawrence, Kensas. , Dear Mire. Hedrick: I appointed a comttes consisting of - Corlett Cotton, chaisman, John Brand and oliff Sue ae cee ek die eneiier cs garding the service men's party. Mr. Cotten will contact you at an early date. Wishing you suceese in this fine program, _ I a Very sincerely yours, : POA:AH President. August 5, 1945. Miss Helen Lindquist, 7 Winona, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Miss Lindquist: f want you to know how very much the menbers of Rotary appresiated your splendid entertainhent Monday noon. In spite of the pmsnogg I think you were marvelous to do this USB « Here's wishing you a long, happy end prosperous wedded lifes. Very cordially yours, PCAsAH President. — August 3, 1943 _ Mre» Wayne Replogle, 900 TennesseeStreet, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear livs. Replogle: appreviated your entertainment Monday noon. Considering the | weather and all things, imac siete ok tured ous to do this for us. I an writing Bill today telling ain of your highly enjoyable entertainnents With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, PCA: AH President. BALDWIN, KANSAS DISTRICT NO. 123 ; OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT ~ July 14, 19435 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear President “Phog", Now that the Assembly is over I feel that we owe so much of its success to you and I want to thank you for arranging such a fine place for our meeting and seeing that everything was planned so well, Will you please express to the club my appreciation of the fact that BE so many of them were early to welcome all visitors and that a number stayed through the day, and that the luncheon was one of the finest that I have attended for a long time. Gene Conklin presented his "White Plumes" in knightly fashion and I appreciated the fine work that Corlett and Cecil did in leading the music. I amwriting to Karl also, the Dean of secre- taries in the District. Will you convey to Mike Getto our compliments for the fine way the Eldridge handled the assembly. - Sincerely, Marner 18 A / j \ OFFICES: CHICAGO,U.S.A. - ZURICH, SWITZERLAND + BOMBAY, INDIA - LONDON, ENGLAND July 17, 1943 Mr, Lyle Gibbon, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, Lawrence, Lansas. Dear Lyle: Congratulations on your advancement to the Kansas City district supervisoryship. We are terribly sorry to lose you end yow good family from our commmity, but we are overjoyed, of course, in the buccess of our Rotarians when they go ups > Praternally and Rotarily, PCA:AH President. : duly 17, 1943 ltrs Mb Je Getto, Hotel Waridge, Lawrence, Kangase Dear Mike: I received a letter from Homer hingsley Ebright, District Governor of Rotary, District Ihmber 123, asking that we convey to Mike Getto "our compliments for the fine way the Eldridge handled the asseubly". You did a swell job, Mike, and everybody was pleased beyond moasure. Rotarily yours, POAsAl President. July 17, 1945 Dr, Homer Ke Ebright, District Governor of Rotary, Baldwin, Eensase Dear Governor Homer: Thenk you for your very generous letter. It was ell ea delight to us in having you and your loyal workers with us. I will be happy Monday to express to the olub your kind sentiments. And I will also pass the good word on to Mike. Wishing you continued success in your splendid administration, I am | Rotarily yours, POALAi : President. July 17, 1943 Lit’. “Cecil liough, Kansas Electric Power Company, Lawrence, K ansase . Dear Oeo: I am now just getting around to the belated “thank you so much" for your splendid handling of the music at Rotary last Monday. I want you to know how very much I appreciate your taking hold of the job last Saturday afternoon, working out Governor Homer's notes to fit the music, and doing a swell job of it ~ even to the point of getting those little song sheets mimeographed. It is such fine cooperation as this among Rotarians, such as you, that makes life a pleasure for each Monday starting at 12:50 and ending at 1:45. Thanks agains Rotarily yours, PCA: All President. July 17, 1943 Jayhawker Theater Building, . Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Corlett: i am now just getting arowxl to the belated “thank you so much" for your splendid handling of the einging at Rotary last Monday. You really have — what it takes, when it comes to inspired singing. fad you oan do it singly or collectively. Roterily yours, POA:AH President. OFFICE OF THE DEAN UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE LAWRENCE Jaly 15, 1943. The Rotary Club of Lawrence, Lawrence, Kansas. Attention: Mr. Karl Klooz, Secretary. Gent lenen¢ . It is with extreme regret that I ask you to accept my resignation as a member of the Rotary Club of Lawrence, I am certain that I will always recall with real pleasure my many fine associates in Rotary. Your many kindnesses have con- tributec a great deal to a very pleasant sojourn in Lawrence. I apologize most sincerely for my poor attendance record in Rotary. Many of these absences have been due to my work as Technical Director for the Kansas Industrial Development Commis- sion, which has, as its scheduled meeting date, Monday mornings at Topeka, After August 1, I will be at the University of Southern California, as Director of Research and Assistant to the Presi- dent, Should your travels bring you to Southern California at any time, I hope we may have the pleasure of seeing yous With kindest personal regards to all, I am Roterily yours, J, J. dakosky, Dean School of Engineering and Architecture, dia /e z ie ie é W. C. SIMONS, PRESIDENT J. We. MURRAY, MANAGING EDITOR DOLPH SIMONS, BUSINESS MANAGER THE LAWRENCE DAILY JOURNAL-WORLD AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS BY THE WORLD COMPANY NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES — PRINTERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK MAKERS LORENZEN & THOMPSON INC. NEW YORK, 28 WEST 44TH ST. CHICAGO, 333 N. MICHIGAN AVE. LAWRENCE, KANSAS KANSAS CITY, 1004 BALTIMORE AVE, OFFICES ALSO IN ATLANTA, CINCINNATI, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, July 5 ’ 1943 AND ST. LOUIS br. .%s Os Allen, President, Lawrence Rotary Club, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dr. Allen: Lieutenant Hood, U. S.- Ne, now an instructor at K..U., lives in an apart- ment at the home of C. B. Hosford, Corner 25rd and Learnard Avenue. He has had service in the South Pacific. I under- stand that he was a member of the Lions Club in his home town. I think it might be interesting to have Lieutenant Hood talk to us and consider him as a prospect for membership. Cordially yours, : WCS: JM a SS pee See ef tice teh kg aa sie a paca a hee eee Aa oh *| ee Mountaleee July 15, 1G. Alummi Association. Dear Fred? i am passing on to you tw posteards which came from Governor Homer. iI wanted you to see that he and I both appresiate a good editor of the Rotary bulletin. Thenks for your mmy kindnesses. Simerely yours, Direotor of Physical Bduonmtion, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Ence July 13, 1948. Dr. Homer K, Ebright, Disthict Governor of Rotary, Dear Governor Homer: Thenk you for your splendid administrative work yesterday at Rotary. You had a grand moting and I thought you did yourself proud. I also want to thank you for your two postoards which you semt Saturday, July 10, one as late as 10 Pome I did not get either one of them until I returned from Rotary yesterday afternoon, but at the same time I wat So 108 you Maer Chat 2 appresiate yor Maly co~ operation. | init Wihamnc dik Oks hee lain ek 5 on ete him your posteard, and wanted to let you lmow that I am passing your good words on to the responsible party. I imow it will make Fred feel goods Wishing you a most successful and pleasant adninistra- tion, I aa Roterily yours, | Direotor of Physical Bducation, FCA:H Varsity Basketball Coacit. PHONE 276 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK BLDG. SUITE 7 Dr. J. F. DINKLER Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon EMPORIA, KANSAS July 9,1943. Dr.Forrest C.Allen, Lawrence,Kansas. Dear Phog: I promised last week to write and let you know how many members from the Emporia Rotary club would attend the District Assembly in Lawrence next Monday, July 12th. At that: time I said that we would have three members there and probably more. As far as I am able “ determine three 1s still the number we will have. there may be another one or two there but if the hotel is not prepared to take care of them they will just have to eat their lunch where ever they can get it. They can not be certain at this time whether they can attend so they will just have to run their chances of attending: the luncheon meeting. July 7, 1943. Mrs W. Cc, Simons, Lawrence Journal World, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear ifr. Simons: Thank you so much for your good letter of the 5th instant calling my attention to the capabilities of Lieut. Hood as a speaker and also for his qualifications as possible Rotary material. I am acting on both suggestions. Tf assure you I appreciate your writing me. Rotexily yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH / Varsity Basketball Coach. July 6, 1943. Yre Pa Go Eckels, Atchison Ice Company, Atehison, Kansas. Dear President Phil: I have called the Eldridge Hotel and have made arrangements for a reservation for the two of you for July 11 ani 12. I asked for twin beds. Trust this is satisfactory. : We will be mighty happy to see you. With all good wishes, I am Rotarily yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. July 2, 1943. Governor Homer K, Ebright, Paldwin, Kansas. . Dear Governor Homer: | : Thank you for your two letters as of July 1. I will plen to have some of the Rotarians take care of the fellow- ship and the recognition labels. I will also have someone, per- heaps Xerl Elooz, in charge of registration. Don't you think it would be a good thing to have a couple of rousing Rotary songs when we assemble, just before you take over? I believe they will want to visit during the tine from 9 to 10 otclock, and won't want to sing. What do you think? My actions are subject to yar wishes. T- will check with Mike Getto and ask him what he santa ad Sed eee: Hie Abu. We have 60 in our club here at Lewrence and we guarantee Mike 50 luncheons. Don't you think that you had better make a final recount and if you think you will heve 80 then we would have to guarantee Mike 70. if you think you would have but 70, let's guarantee him 60, and he ean gamble on the other ten. If we have more then I am sure Nike can scrape up some-= thing for us, but we should be as nearly accurate as possible. | We are having no Rotary meeting Monday, so if you will write me regarding your reaction on this and give me authority Sc Sick ata Min 2 ALE censeatan Sits Wie tener: thak you denies. Of course for our 60 members we guarantee him 50, so it will only a the visitors that we will cuarantee a number. >» I received the mimeographed amouncement and I | il cas ee a el eo. It wili be a pleasure for me to — with you to the fullest. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Piivatenl Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Jume 29, 1943. ire Mike. Getto, Hotel Eldridge, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mike: You can see I am using every opportunity to endeavor to give you the exact number, so far as possible. Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AHl ° Varsity Basketball Coach. Bunce sais a é g a8 " q | id : ii A \ I ii He i $ i ee bi jlts 55 i si i a3 P ay ai 7 i : tee gh ai el | iid ih ph Wy aay ity Hu | | H inh i fing i : June 29, 1943. _ Mr. Pred Ellsworth, University of Kensas. Dear Fred: I am sending you informative excerpts from District Governor Homer Ebright‘s letters, to be used in your bulletin . @8 you see fit. I would be happy if in your bulletin you could mention the personalities that are to be here, such as ex=Governor Scotty and the rest of the .luminaries. Then for next Saturday's bulletin be sure to emphasize the necessity for all Roterians being present at the hotel at 8 o'clock on Mondey morning for the Fellowship and Registration hour - from 9 until 10 o'clock. And you remember it was suggested that all Rotarians wear their buttons so that they could easily identify the visitors. The fact that Governor Homer Ebright expects 80 from out of town should be a definite stimulus and responsibility to Lawrence Rotarians to be present and greet the visitors. Some of the people can come only for the greeting and then return to their business until the lunoheon, but I think it would be a very constructive and helpful thing for those Rotarians to do this. Any way that you can impress upon the members this part for each individual member to play will be appresiated. You told me to eall you Thursday, but I thought by writing this letter and having you pick out the most important points to stress would be more satisfactory. Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Education, | FCA: All ; Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. - Excerpts of letters from District Governor Homer K. Ebright regarding - Rotary Officers Assembly - July 12 - Lawrence, Kansas ®Y hope that you cen be there at 9 otclock and take charge of the hour of Registration and Fellowship. . 2+... | "T hope that most of the men can arrive in time to get acquainted to a large degree before 10 o'clock, for at 10:00 I would like to have a couple of songs, and including the singing have confined the Governor's Message to thirty minutes, from 10:00 to 10:50. I hope that nearly all can be there by 10:00. We shall remain in the one group during the morning. | "we shall need two rooms at the 2:00 hour for we wish the Presidents - to gather in one room and the Secretaries in another. "tT have written to all the former governs of recent years asking My them to take part in the program - Ambrost Johnston, Scotty ilac- Farlane, Marion Hume, John Feller, Cecil Howes. They have all onsented and seemed glad to help. . : Hotel Eldridge. Mike Getto and Rens McClure are going to fix fans in the grill room so that we will have a cool meoting place regard- less of the weather. , Luncheon in the dining room. At 2 pem. for the two separate meetings we can use the main dining room and the grill room. If the grill room is not satisfactorily cooled we cen divide the dining room with a partition so that there will be a place for the two meetings. * & = & deneh Menmen Caliiin, Hutchinson, Kansas, Director of Rotary International - topic: THE WHITE PLUMES OF ROTARY. — dune 12, 1943. done or I am glad that everything is going a. and I am hoping that you will soon get a secretary to help you out. If at any time there is TI do * your burdens, please command me. i would liked to have heard your report of the convention. I em sure it was mich more fulsome and carried more than my report, but the boys seemed to enjoy a word from the convention. Doubtless you will have a good deal to say on July 12 regarding that. ith all good wishes for your continued success, I an Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. BAKER UNIVERSITY BALDWIN, KANSAS HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT June 10 ‘ 1943 ‘ Dr Forrest CO. Allen , Lawrence, ansas e Dear Phog ; I have written JeE.Conklin of Hytchinson ( “ene ) the new Director kR.I. , reminding him of the date and place of our District Assembly, and telling him, I had said to you that we wished him to give an address at the noon luncheon e I think it would be nice for you to write him directly asking him, for it is the Lawrence club putting on the noon programe Also I have writti to all the former governors of recent years asking them to take part in the program - Ambrose Johnston, Scotty MacFarlane, Marion Hume, John Feller , Yecil Howes . Tey have all consented and seemed glad to help e | I wrote to Ambrose asking the question I put to you, and you both felt as I did that the group should be kept together in the morning , and wait till after noon to have two classes meeting at the same time, the presidents and secretariese Also I have been writing to every club a card addressed to the old secretary trying to secure the names of all the new presidents and secretaries e Also I have been writing them to let me know how many are coming so that the Eldridge will know how to prepare for the luncheon e« liy guess is that there will an average of two from each club , at least from 25 of the 29 clubs , infaddition to your own Lawrence members e I have not found a secretary yet , so that the work goes slowly writing to everybody e Hope to find some helper soon e i see in the JOurnal World that you gave a report of the St Louis Convention to the Lawrence Clube The men here seemed very appreciative of my feeble effort a week ago e Sol think we shall have a good assembly and a good year e Sincerely JNoret_ ¥ “> Y. es Wed ssthl bite Miia Pe No A. f 4 | & F S # i _ f Pp aA” ad fi ome a i Wye e = OFFICE OF JAMES EUGENE CONKLIN CHAIRMAN YOUTH COMMITTEE 301-2 WOLCOTT BUILDING HUTCHINSON, KANSAS, U.S.A. 17 June, 1943 Mr. Forrest C, Allen, President lawrence Rotary Club Lewrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Thanks ever so much-for your good letter of the 12th concerning the District Assembly, I am honored to be invited to take part in the program, and will do everything that I can to make ea contribution to the Assembly. With every good wish for @ successful meeting, and with deep appreciation to you for your thoughtfulness in writing to me, please believe me Most gingerely and Roterily yours, Directoy, Rotary International OFFICES: CHICAGO,U.S.A. + ZURICH, SWITZERLAND + BOMBAY,INDIA_ - LONDON, ENGLAND June 12, 1943. ir. Je B. Conklin, Hutchinson Rotary Club, Hutchinson, Eensas. Dear Gene: _ I Just had a letter from Governor Homer Ebright stating that you have kindly consented to speak to us following our Reteary luncheon on July 12th on the subject of International Relations, or anything that you choose. It will be a great delight to have one of the new directors of Rotary International with us. We feel honored, and will be delighted to have you. Roterily yours, : _ ~Direeter of Physical Education, FGAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.