- Excerpts of letters from District Governor Homer K. Ebright regarding - Rotary Officers Assembly - July 12 - Lawrence, Kansas ®Y hope that you cen be there at 9 otclock and take charge of the hour of Registration and Fellowship. . 2+... | "T hope that most of the men can arrive in time to get acquainted to a large degree before 10 o'clock, for at 10:00 I would like to have a couple of songs, and including the singing have confined the Governor's Message to thirty minutes, from 10:00 to 10:50. I hope that nearly all can be there by 10:00. We shall remain in the one group during the morning. | "we shall need two rooms at the 2:00 hour for we wish the Presidents - to gather in one room and the Secretaries in another. "tT have written to all the former governs of recent years asking My them to take part in the program - Ambrost Johnston, Scotty ilac- Farlane, Marion Hume, John Feller, Cecil Howes. They have all onsented and seemed glad to help. . : Hotel Eldridge. Mike Getto and Rens McClure are going to fix fans in the grill room so that we will have a cool meoting place regard- less of the weather. , Luncheon in the dining room. At 2 pem. for the two separate meetings we can use the main dining room and the grill room. If the grill room is not satisfactorily cooled we cen divide the dining room with a partition so that there will be a place for the two meetings. * & = & deneh Menmen Caliiin, Hutchinson, Kansas, Director of Rotary International - topic: THE WHITE PLUMES OF ROTARY. —