September 15, 1943. Mr. Karl Klooz, Secretary, Lawrence Rotary Club, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Karl: - This morning I was in Captain Buhl's office and he apologized again for not attending Rotary. I be- lieve he is still under the impression that he is a member, even though he has missed more than enough weeks to declare his membership null and void. I did not give him thia information, but offered this suggestion: "Wiy don't you write Karl Klooz and tell him that while you desire to be a member of Rotary, your pressure of work - so severe that you feel you must withdraw.” Lieut. Buhl feels very keenly that he is holding some other service man out of the classification and feels he would be better out. I told him that I knew how he felt and if I were he and felt that way I | believe I would write a letter of resignation to Secretary Klooz. It would be handled in the proper fashion by do- ing this. I have invited him down as my guest and he tells me that he will come at the first opportunity. Rotarily yours, PCA:AH President.