September 16, 1943. My. Riley Burchem, Lawrence National Bank, Lawrenes, Kansas. Dear Riley: ee Permit me tc congratulate you upon your j election to Rotary. I am very sure that you will enjoy Rotary, and I imow that the Rotarians will enjoy your presence with us. The thing that keeps Rotery alive is the activity of its members. lie have placed you on the Boys Work and Youth Activity Committee with Ralph Graber, principal of the high echool, as chairman. * The members on that committee, in addition to Ralph Graber, are: Solon G. Ayers, Fred Ellsworth, Father Cowell O*Heil, tT. Asgman, Yime He Quakenbush. At a meeting of the Beard of Direstors at the home of Solon Ayers last Monday night, Ralph Graber and the directors discussed a more active work for this committee. ‘You doubtless will hear from Ralph soon. With all good wishes, I am Rotarily yours, FCA :AH President.