LAWRENCE ROTARY CLUB BULLETIN LAWRENCE, KANSAS OCTOBER 15, 1943 a ee ee ee MONDAY'S PROGRAM — NEW DIRECTORY - ROTARYANN PARTY - GOVERNOR VISITS - PERSONALS - TALK -- WORK —-- Dillon S. Myer, director of the War Relocation Authority, will talk about handling the Japs in America. We get lir. Myer through the good offices of Verl Bratton. Verl is a former associate and close friend of Leland Barrows, who is second in command of the WR A. Barrows, Myer, and Milton Eisenhower, former WR A chairman, were all close friends in Washington. The Board voted to get out a new directory of the club, and it seems high time. We have 62 members now not count— ing the 6 military honorary members. Nineteen of us have joined Rotary in the last year. The much discussed Rotaryann party has been postponed un- til November 1. Margaret Hill has charge, and Margaret is a ball of fire on getting up interesting parties. Don't forget to be ready with definite reservations when the call comes. Be ready to say "Yes" or "No." Governor Homer Kingsley Ebright visits us November 8. We will have club assembly when he comes with the reports from all committeemen. Col. Lyle Powell is in town. Doubtless he will be on hand Monday ..... Here is a hand to a’former member, Cliff Cal- vin. He misses Rotary more than anything in the world. His new job makes it impossible to continue membership and stay out every Monday until 2 o'clock. It was thoughtful of Phog to invite him as a guest last week....incidentally, wasn't that an enjoyable program of good music?.... Dolph Simons is state publicity chairman for the United War Loan Fund under Lieutenant Governor Jess Denious from Dodge City..... Ted Aszman is away this week getting elected Moderator for the Presbyterian Church in Kansas...... Ike Meade went through a major operation. The best of luck to you, Ike. FOR AMERICA. a a AMERICA SHARE S.