Kansas City, Mo. May 17, 1938. Dr F C Allen Lawrence, Kans. Dear Doctor Allen: The bearer of this letter is Mr. George Fencil who has been a student in our Junior College for the past two years. He has made an excellent record here and is pure gold. He plan to attend Kansas University and needs some work to support himself and his family. I know you have & your hands more than full in taking care of those who give some promise of development in your own department, but I thought you might be able to give him some leads er help him make some contacts that might be helpful. Will you be im Lawrence Friday afterneeon and not too busyg I want to see you and thought I would drive out, leaving here about 4:30 if you were going to be there and not too busily occupied. Tell Mr Feneil and he can inform me. Mildred and Mrs. Morrow join me in best wishes to you and your family. Sincerely,