THE COMMITTEE David M. Allan Clinton P. Anderson William C. Arnold Julius H. Barnes Sam Beber William H. Beck, Jr. Mrs. Jean Bennett Frank V. Birch Henry M. Blume Howard Braucher Emerson Brooks Stockton Broome Otis N. Brown Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun M. Lewis Canaday Homer L. Chaillaux Sydney H. Coleman Alexander M. Damon Tom J. Davis Charles S. Donley Mrs. Dessalee R. Dudley Eldon S. Dummit Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar Walter W. Finke Willard E. Givens Mrs. Maurice L. Goldman Miss Bertha L. Goldthwaite John L. Griffith S. Kendrick Guernsey / William Edwin Hall Ralph W. Harbison Albert W. Hawkes Walter D. Head Walter W. Head Robert E. Heun C. Harold Hippler Herbert Z. Hopkins Thomas J. Houston Sanford Hyams Mrs. Henry A. Ingraham Ed. R. Johnson James S. Kemper William C. Knoelk Frank S. Land Herbert M. Lee Miss Cora E. MacKenzie James Nelson MacLean Leland D. McCormac Mrs. May Moyers McElroy Donald McMillan Mrs. Clara Mason _ Francis P. Matthews Howard Maxon Miss Mable F. Meek Arthur M. Millard Albert Morrissey John R. Mott Mrs. Harvey S. Mudd Miss Dora E. Neun Clinton G. Nichols Guy L. Noble Leo F. Nohl Thomas O’Keefe Richard J. Osenbaugh Dr. Helen Pearce John J. Pershing Earl W. Pettibone Leland M. Pryor Ernest I. Pugmire Mrs. Harriette Quisenberry Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse Ellsworth A. Roberts Dr. Don C. Rogers Theodore Roosevelt Dr. George C. Sabichi Lester F. Scott Hart I. Seely David Sholtz R. C. Simmons _ Howard C. Smith Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith Karl M. Sorrick Edward E. Spafford Lynn Stambaugh Glenn W. Stephens Henry L. Stephens, Jr. Louis J. Taber Newman R. Thurston Eugene I. VanAntwerp Allison Ware A. Earl Washburn Frank L. Weil Harry A. Wheeler Bruce Williams Mrs. Elbert Williams Miss Elsie M. Yellis * NATIONAL Boys & GIRLS WEEK COMMITTEE For the United States Room 950, 35 E. WACKER Drive, CuIcaco, ILutnots, U. S. A. John L. Griffith, Chairman S. Kendrick Guernsey, Secretary 20 February, 1942 Gentlemen: 1940 NATIONAL BOYS AND GIRLS WEEK "Boys and Girls Week" will be observed from April 25th to May end, inclusive. In keeping with present world conditions, special atten- tion is being given in 1942 to the preservation of democ- racy and all for which it stands - and to the value of citizenship in a democracy. In view of this you may wish to present your listeners information dealing with Boys and Girls Week - its activities, objectives, and sponsors. So that you may be able to do this we are sending a copy of the "Advance Herald" and a news release dealing with advance information on Boys and Girls Week. About the first of April a second release will be sent out by this committee. We shall be happy to be of further service to you. Sincerely yours, o3 d x John L. Griffith Chairns n enclosures rap ‘ 1942 OBSERVANCE — APRIL 25 TO MAY 2 —_—_—— —— oe Rotary Club Lawrence, Kanses Allen, Porrest C. Education (19) Sch. Educ. ~- Phys. Fd. (b) University of Kansas (r) 801 Louisiana St. Date of birth ~ 11/18/85 Allen, Roger . Auto Ind. (5) Tire & Battery Service (ob) 14 East Sth St. (r) 1831 N. H. St. ~ Date of birth - --+----- o Anderson, A. J. Medicine (49) Physician 2nd active (b) 713 Vermont St. _(r) 713 Vermont St. Date of birth - 6/19/63 Andrews, John T. | Gas Industry (30) Gas. Ser., 2nd Active (b>) 733 Mass. St. (r) 937 Ohio St. Date of birth - 9/22/99 Armel; Lyle © Assoctatiows - Endowment Ass'n. sity cf Kanses niversity Drive Asgman, Theodore H. Religion (66) Protestant Churches Pastor fe Sth & Vermont St. r) 843 Louisiana St. Date of birth - 10/1/86 Defense - Lane y of Kansaec Banks, Frank E. Real Estate (64) Title Service (bo) Pirst National Bank Bldg. (x) 801 Alabama St. Date of birth - 7/10/75 "hog" "Roger" "a. J." "Lyle® "red" Karl Frank Bessie Maude Jean Philena Helen Brand, John ¥. Law (44) Civil (b) 645 Mess. St. {r) 2114 Barker Avenue Date of birth - 8/20/07 Brune, Eugene Plumbing (59) (bd) 601 Miss. St. (r) 6GOl Mies. St. Date of birth - 11/16/ Bruner, Van K. Laundering (43) (ob) 10th & N. H. St. (r) 1500 N. BH. St. Date of birth - 10/20/ Calvin, Clifton C. Finence (23) Security-Prokerage (>) 710 Mass. St. | -(r) 1534 Vermont 5t. Pate of birth - 5/19/ Cotton, Corlett J. _Insurance - Life (b) Bowersock Bldg. (r) 704 West 12th St. Date of birth - 11/21/05 Davis, Robert M, . Educating (19) Law School ' (bd) University of Kansas (xr) 2210 N. H. St. Dete of birth - 8/3/84 Davis, W. W. Educating (19) College (o>) University of Kansas ‘ (rv) 706 West 12th St. Date of birth - 2/12/84 Dedds, Caryl J. Gas Industry (30) Gas Service (>) 733 Mass. St. (r) 734 Indiana St. Date of birth - 3/11/82 Ellsworth, Fred Associations (4) Alumi (b) University of Kansas (r) 2124 N. HB. St. Date of birth - 10/6/95 Punk, Talmage D. Burftel (8) Undertaking ) 940 Mass. St. r) 701 Louisiana St. Date of birth - 9/24/04 " John" " Gene" *ven" "c1ir* "corlett" "Ww. w." "Caryl" *=rea" “¥, 3" Catharine Icle Grace Rachel Nell Lucile vara te abd siicialllll Sattalites Midd Eclat Caston oo” z. The r Educating (19) Musie (b) University of Kansas (r) 1019 Ky. &t. Date of birth - 7/4/ Gibbon, Lyle Comm. ~- Service - Telephone (o>) 734 Vermont St, (r) HO9 Alabame St. Date of birth - 1/13/05 Hanna, Hovey J. Electfical Industry (20) Radio Equipment b) 904 Mass. St. r) 600 Louisiana St, Pate of birth ~ 5/6/89 — Hedrick, George E. , Assoctations (4) Chamber of Commerce (b>) Chamber of Commerce (r) 11323 Emery Road Date of birth - 5/8/95 Kenry, Gwinn 4 Associations (4) athietie te} University of Kansas r) 1646 Mess. St. Date of birth - 8/5/87 Hesse, C. Gerald C,. Paper Industry (57) Box Mfg. (o Foot of HN. H.. St. (r) 1005 West 4th Sst. Date of birth - - - - - Hill, Justin D, Peper Industry (57) Paper Mfg. (b) Foot of N. BH. 8b. (r) West 7th St. Date of birth ~ «= « «+ = «= « Horkmans, David li, Communication Service (14) Postal (>) Post Office - Ass't Postmaster (yr) 1317 Kentucky St. Date of birth ~ 2/8/76 Educating (19) Arts & Seiences | Hungerford, H. B. Ly 7 4 8) University of Kansas ) 107 East eth St. (r) 2240 Vermont St. Date of birth ~- 6/8/06 Jones, J. Frank Agricultural Industry (3) Trees & Shrubs (>) Lawrence Katiconal benk Bldg. (r) 645 Miss. S8t,. Date of »irth - 3/3/80 Keeler, Walter J. Office & School niquness (54) Books & Stationery Retail te} 939 Mess. Ste r) 1619 Kentucky Ct. Date of birth - 9/23/96 Klooz, Karl Educating (19) Administration (>) University of Kansas (r) 1119 ¥. Campus Rd. Date of birth - 5/17/91 Ke 1thge & Refining - Geclogy ity of Kensas rmont St. h + 5/10/99 Louk, Charles\E, Real Estate Agency (64) (b) 735 Mass. St. (r) 1635 Indieane St. Date of birth - 4/27/95 "Vio" "Simon" * Jay" "Penny" "7, Frank" "Walter" "Kerl" "Ken" "Charles" Wineel Sylvia Katherine Frances Sera lyre Freda Sue Nina alle Malott, Deane W. "Deane" Eleanor Edueating (19-b) Admin, State Schools (>) University of Kansas ' (x) 1800 Le. St. ” Date of birth - 7/10/98 MeCluee, R. We "Mac" Berniece Electricel Ind. (20) Elec. Light & Power Prod. (b) 700 Mase. St. ‘(r) 1635 Ind. 8t. Date of birth - 9/13/ Meade, I. J. "Tke" Anna Finance (23) Banking (bo) Lawrence National Benk (xr) 546 Louisiana St. Date of birth - 2/22/69 Ober, H. B. "Bert" Alma Clothing Industry (12) Men's Clothing Retail (bo) 821 Mass. St. (r) '700 Indians St. Date of birth ~ 2/25/73 Powell, Lyle S. "Lyle" Geraldine Medicine (49) Ear, Eye, Nose & Throat (vo) 736 Kentucky St. (r) 1108 West Hills Terrace Date of birth - 11/5/93 Quekenbush, Will H. "wai" Helen Educating (19-d) Business College (>) 641 La. St. - (r) 725 Miss. St. Date of birth - 2/4/ GY Ramsey, J. Clifton : "oiirr* Helen j 4) : Law (4 Lay (b) 931 Mess. St. .(r) 1284 Oread Ave. Date of birth - 1/6/02 Rankin, RK. C. 7 ‘Tee & Cold Storage (37) (b>) 616 Vermont St. (r) 724 Indiana St. Date of birth - 3/29/66 — "Rob" Grece Rice, Raymond E, "Raymond" Law - Corp. (b) 700 Mass. St. (rf? 2141 Vermont St. Date of birth - 10/9/83 -6= Russell, Charles B. - Musical Inst. (53) Pipe Organs Mfg. (ob) 612-618 N. He. St. (vr) 2232 Vermont St, Date of birth - 12/31/e82 Schwahn, Stanley E. Recreation (65) Theatres ‘ (b) 646 Mass. St. | (r) 1124 Weat Hills Parkway Date of birth « - ---- =< : Shockley, Wray A. A Gov't. = Public Defense - Land 2nd active (bo) University of Kansas (r) 1153 Emery Road Date of birth «- -« - - «- + Simons, Dolph Printing & Pub. (61) Newspaper Pub. (bd) 720~722 Mass, &t. (r) 1609 Mass. St. Dete of birth - 11/24/04 Simons, W. C. Printing & Pub. (61) Newspaper Pub. (o>) 720-722 Mass. St. (r) 2500 vermont St. Dete of birth - 7/8/71 Skie, John Carbonated Bev, ~- Bottling ' (bo) 836 Vermont St. (r) 1201 West Campus Road Date of birth ~ 8/2/81 Skinner, J. T. Blec, Industry (20) Light & Power (b) 700 Mass. St. (pw) 1835 nw. H. St. Date of birth - 7/26/76 Stephenson, Eugene A, Min. O11 Ind. ~- Consult. Engr. Petroleum (b) University of Kansas (vr) 1516 University Drive ‘Date of birth - 7/27/84 Stutz, John G. Associations (4) State Municipal League (>) K. U. Fraser Hall (r) 2219 N. H. St. Date of birth - 1/1/ "Charaie" "stan" "Wray" " Do lph" "Collie" * John" " John" "steve" * John" Lolita Maisie Marie Gertrude Emily Florence Gertrude oT Varnum, Walter H. Chemical Industry (11) Drugs Retail (>) 601 Mass. St, (r) 1115 West Campus Road Date of birth - 6/21/90 Ward, Raloh Agricultural Industry (8) Florist E (b) 910 Mase. St. (r) 1530 Barker 8t. Date of birth - 9/12/62 Weaver, A. 5B. Dry Goods (18) Retailing (b $O1 Mass. St. (r) 737 Indiana &t. te of birth - 2/2/94 . Wherry, Neal M, Educating (19) Public Schools (>) Liberty Memorial High School (r) 1805 Miss. St. Date of birth - 1/7/97 Williams, Roger M, Agriculture + Stock Sreeding i Post Office | (ry) RoF.Ds Bo, 6 zg Date of birth - 9/19/68 Winter, HM. &.. _ Automobile Industry (5) Trucks Retail (>) 738 N. H. St. (r) 1116 West Hills Parkway Date of birth ~- 11/1/99 Young, E. W. , Laundering, Cleaning & Dyeing (43) Cleaning (>) 926 Mase. St. (vr) 1215 West 4th St. Date of birth - 5/20/77 “Su S Onsenbuey Nat. Delense- LA nd (b) Q.D-TQ, Unir- a Kas, (K) 1133 Date fbi rth "walt" "Ralph" * art* "Neal" "Dode" " Ship" "Ernest" Blanche Newell Nell Tulu Mary Ada Faye Mabel & 7 NEW ae HOTEL Contains 600 rooms; is located i of the city’s activities; terminals, theatres, a Rao oe z SONG PARADES 1860 “Jceannic With the Light Brown Hair" ‘1870 “Love's Old Sweet Song” 1880 "In the Gloeming” 1890 “After the 3all" 1900 "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree" 1910 "iiekencholy Baby" Me fu © Pi As /_ 4 YK 1920 "Bly Buday* 1930 "Springtime In the Rockics™ 1940 a op ee, foo™|- , 7 2-a he A. 2 re BA te ae 1860-- I drean of Jeannie with the light brown hair, Borne like a vapor on the sumer air; I soe her tripsing where the Drisght stroums play, Happy as the daisies thet dance in her weye ivany are the wild notes her merry voice would pour, Many were the blythe birds that warble them o’er Oh, I dream of Jeannie with the light brown hair, Tossed like a vapor on the soft summer aire 1870-- Once in the dear dead days beyond recall When on the earth the mists began to fall, Out of the dreams that rose in happy throng Low to our heart love seng an old sweet songe And in the dusk where fell the starlight glean, Softly it wove itself into our dream. Chorus Just a song aut twilight, when the lights are low And the flickering shadows softly come and go Though the heart be weary, sad the day and long, Still to us at twilight comes love's old song, Comes love's old sweet songe 1880-- In the gloaming, oh, my darling, When the lights are low, And the quiet shadows falling, Softly come, and softly f06 When the winds cre sobbing faintly, With a gentl@ unknown woe, Will you think of me and love me As you did once long ago? In the gleaming, oh, my darling, Think not bitterly of meg Tho' I passes away in silence, Left you lonely, set you free, For my heart was crushed with longing What had been could never bee It was best to leave you thus, dear, Best for you, and best for mee 1890<= A little Maiden climbed an old man's knec, Begged for a story, "Do Uncle please, Why are you single, why llive alone, Have you no babies, have you no hone?" I had a sweetheart, years, years ago: where she is now, pet, you will socn knowWe Listt to the story, I'Dl tell at aii, I believed her faithless, after the balle After the ball is over, After the break of morn, After the dancers leaving, After the stars are gone, Many a heart is aching, If you could read them Oli, Mony the hopes that have vanished After the balle I900-- The oriole with joy was swestly singing, The little brook was babling its tune, The village bells with joy were sweetly ringing, The world seemed brighter tnan a harvest moone And as within my arms I gently pressed you, And blushing red you slowly turned away, I can't forget the way I once caresses you, I only pray we'll meet ancther daye In the shade of the old apple tree With the love in your eyes I can see, When the voice that I heard Like the sound of a bird, Seemed to whisper sweet music to Mee I ean hear the dull buzz of the bee, In the blossoms as you sang to me, With a heart that beats true, T'll be waiting for you In the shade of the old apple trece a910++ Coe to me my melancholy behby, Cuddle up end don't feel blue 4ll your tears are foolish Fabio maybe, You know dear, that I am stronsz for you, Every Gloud must have a silver lining, wait until the sun shines through, Smile au honey dear, while I kiss away each tear, Or else I shall be te ainchio by COO. 1920-—< Life is a book that we study, Some of its leaves brine a Sich, There it is written, my Buddy That we must part, you amd I Chorus Nights are long since you went WOT, I think about all through the day, My B uddy, My Buddy, No Buddy quite so true, Riss your voice, the one of your hand, I long +6 know that you understand, lly Buddy, My Buddy, Your buddy misses yous 1930-- When it's springtine in the Rockies, I am coming back to yer, Little sweetheart of the mountains, with your bonny eyes of blues Once agmin I'll say, I love you, Wh ile - birds sing @ll the day, When it's springtime in the Rockies, In the Rockies far AWOY « te we a” “~ Ae oe -.. mo youm dips sno vour dips sre so heavenly, stafs in the’ sem arc all free and thoy shinc for nme, 00 @008 the roon in thc bluc, tee foods 36 liing and Meeven, Ted, Yo give :10 vom earns ana your —o ayC tine Enc) wiacs Su@tt to ay hears is the son: evo Py sive Jie Bin’, Maey rote uc Wissed by bhe dey AML Thig 4 icine ond licevon, Too. I ove caéh surmior's Gay, @26h mountein gapped wlth snow, Tho senZimontcl trees, the dreany streearns tiet flow, "WORy Geygntrw dene and cvcory stroct of stonc we aiptmveys7of adventure mace for me alones - # You, tive ~1e your lovo and your love ts so heavenly, DOSD ify beer> 1 will ¢arry the gong with me, Yoy brim a Adve, so iivine, Art baie 49 @5nc ond lieavcen, Tog, t