THE COMMITTEE David M. Allan Clinton P. Anderson William C. Arnold Julius H. Barnes Sam Beber William H. Beck, Jr. Mrs. Jean Bennett Frank V. Birch Henry M. Blume Howard Braucher Emerson Brooks Stockton Broome Otis N. Brown Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun M. Lewis Canaday Homer L. Chaillaux Sydney H. Coleman Alexander M. Damon Tom J. Davis Charles S. Donley Mrs. Dessalee R. Dudley Eldon S. Dummit Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar Walter W. Finke Willard E. Givens Mrs. Maurice L. Goldman Miss Bertha L. Goldthwaite John L. Griffith S. Kendrick Guernsey / William Edwin Hall Ralph W. Harbison Albert W. Hawkes Walter D. Head Walter W. Head Robert E. Heun C. Harold Hippler Herbert Z. Hopkins Thomas J. Houston Sanford Hyams Mrs. Henry A. Ingraham Ed. R. Johnson James S. Kemper William C. Knoelk Frank S. Land Herbert M. Lee Miss Cora E. MacKenzie James Nelson MacLean Leland D. McCormac Mrs. May Moyers McElroy Donald McMillan Mrs. Clara Mason _ Francis P. Matthews Howard Maxon Miss Mable F. Meek Arthur M. Millard Albert Morrissey John R. Mott Mrs. Harvey S. Mudd Miss Dora E. Neun Clinton G. Nichols Guy L. Noble Leo F. Nohl Thomas O’Keefe Richard J. Osenbaugh Dr. Helen Pearce John J. Pershing Earl W. Pettibone Leland M. Pryor Ernest I. Pugmire Mrs. Harriette Quisenberry Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse Ellsworth A. Roberts Dr. Don C. Rogers Theodore Roosevelt Dr. George C. Sabichi Lester F. Scott Hart I. Seely David Sholtz R. C. Simmons _ Howard C. Smith Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith Karl M. Sorrick Edward E. Spafford Lynn Stambaugh Glenn W. Stephens Henry L. Stephens, Jr. Louis J. Taber Newman R. Thurston Eugene I. VanAntwerp Allison Ware A. Earl Washburn Frank L. Weil Harry A. Wheeler Bruce Williams Mrs. Elbert Williams Miss Elsie M. Yellis * NATIONAL Boys & GIRLS WEEK COMMITTEE For the United States Room 950, 35 E. WACKER Drive, CuIcaco, ILutnots, U. S. A. John L. Griffith, Chairman S. Kendrick Guernsey, Secretary 20 February, 1942 Gentlemen: 1940 NATIONAL BOYS AND GIRLS WEEK "Boys and Girls Week" will be observed from April 25th to May end, inclusive. In keeping with present world conditions, special atten- tion is being given in 1942 to the preservation of democ- racy and all for which it stands - and to the value of citizenship in a democracy. In view of this you may wish to present your listeners information dealing with Boys and Girls Week - its activities, objectives, and sponsors. So that you may be able to do this we are sending a copy of the "Advance Herald" and a news release dealing with advance information on Boys and Girls Week. About the first of April a second release will be sent out by this committee. We shall be happy to be of further service to you. Sincerely yours, o3 d x John L. Griffith Chairns n enclosures rap ‘ 1942 OBSERVANCE — APRIL 25 TO MAY 2