October 20, 1941. Rev. Perry Hanson , Box 295 Dear Reve Hanson, Quite some tine ago Ur. Caryl Dodd of the Gas Company called me after hearing you speak in Lawrence, and asked that if possible we obtain you to speak before our Lawrence Rotary Club. I called Ers. Edward Price and she gave the address of your son _ here in lawrence to me. I called there and was told that I could contact you in Iola. We have a number of open dates such as: Dec. 15 Dea. 22 Dec. 29 Jane 15 - Jane 26 Pebe 2 Feb. 23 I am wondering if you should be coming through Lawrence some Monday if we cd obtain you to speak to our Rotary club which meets at the Eldridge. Hotel at 12:30 pam. As chairman of the program committee we would greatly appreciate it if you would be _ able to favor us. I rogreat that there is no money in the treasury for traveling expenses and for that reason we're endeavoring to find you sometime when you would be in lawrence. I can assure you | of our great desire to have you if and when es could be in our vecinity. With skiiten ZI am Sincerely yours, FCA/pg Chairman Program Committee Lawrence Rotary Club